AWTObjectCanvas - the main display/edit canvas for the HADS schematic editor,
constructed from an JavaFIG drawing canvas
with additional popup-menu and redraw functions.
Handle memory and cache accesses with one class which dispatches
the different requests to the different MipsMemories
Tasks performed by this class:
- static address translation
- call of dynamic address translation
- decision wether and which caches should be used
- modify partial word accesses to word accesses
- provide Memory interface to give access to the full virtual
address space
utility functions for double[] arrays, Matlab-style:
element-wise array operations: add, sub, mult, div
element-wise math operations: sin, cos, tan, ..
dummy constructor; you can use this to create an Array instance that
allows you to access the static methods of this class from Matlab 5.3
(which requires a very ugly syntax to use static methods).
add a SimObject (a 'component') called 'name' to this Design
If 'name' is already used in this Design, we automatically create
a new unique name for the component.
Vektor, der die bei der aktuellen Belegung
aktivierten Transitionen enthält wird in calculateTransitionen berechnet, nachdem Input-Werte verändert wurden
alabel -
Variable in class hades.models.rtlib.memory.MR
the toplevel GUI component for the Colibri design browser,
with the SimObject/Design-files tree on the left,
and image and HTML components on the right.
react to tree selection events:
for SimObjects, display their symbol and CLB component info,
for Designs, display their thumbnail and CLB info,
for README files, display their text,
do nothing for other data types (yet).
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character
of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the
last character of this token.
Befoe disassemble() can be used beginDisassemble() has to
be called in order to save the splitters state
beginLine -
Variable in class hades.models.stimuli.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character
of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the
last character of this token.
CanvasScroller - an AWT component to manage a JavaFIG/HADES editor
canvas with rulers at the top and left sides, and additional standard
right and bottom scrollbars.
create and paint a color test chart with some markers for later
orientation matching after scanning and either the 216 web colors
or an 8*8*8 color palette and optionally some additional colors
(like shades of green or skin tones).
CompareAll - compare the two input vectors (SignalStdLogicVector)
and generate StdLogic1164 output values for the tests
A < B (less than, output LT),
A <= B (less equal, output LE),
A == B (equal, output EQ),
A >= B (greater equal, output GE),
A > B (greater than, output GT),
check whether this StdLogicVector has the arithmetic value 1,
that is, the last bit (LSB) is 1, and all other bits are zero
public boolean is_001() {
return ( (_0_mask | _1_mask) == _length_mask)
&& (_1_mask == 1L));
an utility method to check the validity of operands L and R to
binary arithmetic or logical operations.
check if our Designs contains Signals named "clk" and "nreset",
which are only created when the Design contains one or more DFF
(hades.models.flipflops.Dffr) components.
Based on experimental evidence, at least older versions of the AWT
required that a toplevel component (a Frame) was visible before
any of the image creation methods worked.
parse the first chars of message string 's' to check whether
it is an info, warning, error, or fatal message:
"-I-", "-W-", "-E-", "-F-"
If the message level is greater than the 'popup level',
make the console visible and bring in toFront().
parse the first chars of message string 's' to check whether
it is an info, warning, error, or fatal message:
"-I-", "-W-", "-E-", "-F-"
If the message level is greater than the 'popup level',
make the console visible and bring in toFront().
closeOneCompound: add all current editor objects to an compound,
restore the editor to its previous state, then add our new compound
to the restored editor's object list.
closeOneCompound: add all current editor objects to an compound,
restore the editor to its previous state, then add our new compound
to the restored editor's object list.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
configure: display a dialog window with options to specify
instance name, clock period, clock duty-cycle, clock phase (offset),
and the number of cycles to stop after.
configure: display a dialog with options to specify instance name,
C-to-Y propagation delay, probability of a StdLogic1164._1 output,
and random generator seed.
copy(): This function is used to create a clone of this RTLIB
object, including the values for width (n_bits), current value
(vector), propagation delay, and version ID.
copy() -
Method in class hades.models.rtlib.arith.DcoreALU
copy(): This function is used to create a clone of a DcoreALU
object, including the values for width (n_bits), version ID,
propagation delay, and the selected opcodes.
copy(): This function is used to create a clone of a DcoreALU2
object, including the values for width (n_bits), version ID,
propagation delay, and the selected opcodes.
copy(): This function is used to create a clone of a UserDefinedALU
object, including the values for width (n_bits), version ID,
propagation delay, and the selected opcodes.
copy(): This function is used to create a clone of this RTLIB
object, including the values for width (n_bits), currenct value
(vector), propagation delay, and version ID.
create a depth-first-search numbering of the Signal graph in
the array DFS[];
A negative index indicates the start of a new connected component
of the Signal graph.
DcoreRAM - a RAM with n words by m bits with asynchronous (level
sensitive) write enable and separate active-low chip select and
output enable inputs for the D*CORE processor.
DeselectAllCommand - deselect all visible objects in the Hades editor,
including SimObject's symbols, Signal wire segments and solder dots,
and standard FIG objects.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
If our output signal is non-null, we schedule an SimEvent at
the current simulation time, in order to initialize the Signal
with the value Constant ('0').
If our output signal is non-null, we schedule an SimEvent at
the current simulation time, in order to initialize the Signal
with the value Gnd ('0').
take String src and replace non-standard characters with Unicode escapes
of the form ' ' to '?'.
end(String) -
Static method in class
If begin() has been used end() must be used, too, to indicate
the end of a logical block (normally a method).
end() -
Static method in class
endColumn -
Variable in class hades.models.stimuli.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character
of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the
last character of this token.
After the last call of disassemble() endDisassemble() has
to be called in order to restore the splitters state
endLine -
Variable in class hades.models.stimuli.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character
of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the
last character of this token.
generate a weak output from the input; we map the StdLogic1164 values
as follows: (in-out) (U-W) (X-W) (0-L) (1-H) (Z-W) (W-W) (H-H) (D-W)
and schedule the output value on port Y after t_delay
the open-collector inverter using StdLogic1164 logic:
generate a '0' output value for '1' or 'H' inputs,
and 'Z' (tristate) output value for '0' or 'L' inputs.
generate a weak output from the input; we map the StdLogic1164 values
as follows: (in-out) (U-W) (X-W) (0-L) (1-H) (Z-W) (W-W) (H-H) (D-W)
and schedule the output value on port Y after t_delay
evaluate: as interactive Ipin events are handled by mousePressed(),
this method is only called by the simulation engine whenever our
(hidden) toplevel signal changes.
evaluate: check for a rising edge on the C input and calculate
a new random StdLogic1164._0/_1 output value with the selected
1-probability, then schedule to Y after t_delay
evaluate: as interactive Switch events are handled by mousePressed(),
this method is only called by the simulation engine whenever our
(hidden) toplevel signal changes.
evaluate: shift the input data at Port A right arithmetically
(that is, with sign extension) by the number of bits specified
in shiftcount, schedule to output Port Y.
delete all selected objects: this means both to delete the graphical
stuff (FigObjects, WireSegments, SolderDots, and SimObject Symbols)
and to delete the Signals and SimObjects from the current Design.
this method is called from mousePressed() whenever there is a non-null
text object, implying that the previous text object has not already
been registered with the edtior.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
a simple subclass of the generic FigXSpline which forces
the control point scalefactors to values
[0,-1,-1,...-1,0] (open spline) or [-1,-1,...,-1] (closed spline).
collects the global attributes of jfig drawings:
paper size: "A0" "A1" "A2" "A3" "A4" "B4" "Letter" "Legal"
paper orientation: "Portrait" or "Landscape"
This class is used to store and manage the global attributes of
FIG format drawings.
The FigImage constructor with full parameter set: (x1,y1) and
(x2,y2) specify the image position (and size), attribs and trafo
are the FigImage attributes and trafo is a reference to the
current editor viewport transformation.
a simple subclass of the generic FigXSpline which forces
the control point scalefactors to values
[0,1,1,...1,0] (open spline) or [1,1,...,1] (closed spline).
Override the println() behaviour of PrintWriter to assure correct format
of FIG files with Unix-style (LF only) text files, because xfig and fig2dev
won't recognize MAC (CR) or Windows (CRLF) files.
generate a TeX slidelist for 'skript.tex' from the figFiles vector,
which, despite its name, should contain a list of Postscript .ps files
created by calling findPSFiles.
calculate an estimated "string width" factor from the Java Font
currently selected for FIG font index i, and the actual measured
values from a FIG printout, both at 12pt size.
returns an FigObject array of length 2 with the following entries:
the object at index 0 is the original, unmodified object (or null),
the object at index 1 is the converted object (or null).
return an FigObject array of length 2 with the following entries:
the object at index 0 is the original (source) object or null,
the object at index 1 is the copied (clone) object or null.
return an FigObject array of length 2 with the following entries:
the element at index 0 is the rotated object (or null),
the element at index 1 is the copied and rotated clone (or null).
getMovePointNeighbors( Point wp ): find the nearest Point of the
rectangle and return an array with the opposite corner, to allow
the main editor correct rubberbanding.
getMovePointNeighbors( Point wp ): find the nearest Point of the
rectangle and return an array with the opposite corner, to allow
the main editor correct rubberbanding.
getMovePointNeighbors( Point wp ): find the nearest Point of the
trigger and return an array with the opposite corner, to allow
the main editor correct rubberbanding.
calculate and return the point position of a text object that is
exactly one line below the given line of text, where the settings
for font, font size, rotation angle, and font spacing are copied
from given text object.
create and return an AWT or Swing based PropertySheet control
for simulation component "obj", as a Dialog window of "frame",
and with textfields specified by "fields".
construct a (short) tool tip message for a Port, which includes
the Port name, its type (direction), and information about the
expected and/or connected Signal type.
given a pathname of the form "zip://"
locate the corresponding zipfile (which should have been registered
by calling registerZipFile), and return an InputStream for the
specified zip entry.
load and set the thumbnail Icon for this HADES design,
also try to * load and display the name/author/version/description
and display in the Browser InfoPanel
load and set the Icon for this SimObject,
load and display the name/author/version/description attributes
from a CLB and display in the Browser InfoPanel
the internal utility method to create the array of ports and flipflop
values, corresponding to the desired bit-width specified by the
global variable n_bits.
the internal utility method to create the array of ports and flipflop
values, corresponding to the desired bit-width specified by the
global variable n_bits.
the internal utility method to create the array of ports and flipflop
values, corresponding to the desired bit-width specified by the
global variable n_bits.
the internal utility method to create the array of ports and flipflop
values, corresponding to the desired bit-width specified by the
global variable n_bits.
initialize tool tip support on our object canvas,
using either our own hades.utils.ToolTipManager (AWT mode),
or the Swing javax.swing.ToolTipManager (Swing mode).
initialize a GenericCGate or subclass from a String that contains the
integer version id and optionally the propagation delay of the gate ,
in seconds e.g.
initialize a ClockGen'erator from a String, which contains its
integer version id, and the double values for clock period (in seconds),
dutycycle (fraction 0.0 ..
initialize a ClockGen2'erator from a String, which contains its
integer version id, and the double values for clock period (in seconds),
dutycycle (fraction 0.0 ..
initialize an DiodeSwitch from a String,
which contains the integer version id,
and optionally the initial start value (StdLogic1164.getChar)
if the DiodeSwitch should start in the
'0' state instead of the 'U' state.
initialize an Ipin from a String, which contains the integer version id,
and optionally the start value of this Ipin (the latter encoded via
StdLogic1164.getChar() values, 'U' 'X' '0' ...
initialize a RandomBitGenerator from a String that contains
the integer version id, the C-to-Y gate propagation delay (in seconds),
the random number generator seed, and the 1-probability,
initialize a SevenSegmentMultiplexed display from a String,
which contains its integer version id, and the double values
for sample period and on-threshold (in seconds), e.g.
initialize an Switch from a String, which contains the integer version id,
and optionally the start value of this Switch (the latter encoded via
StdLogic1164.getChar() values, 'U' 'X' '0' ...
initialize this PIC from String s, which contains the version ID (1001),
the clock period (double value in seconds), and the resource name
of the initial program ROM/HEX file.
initialize the counter from a String that contains the integer
version id of this register, the propagation delay (in seconds),
and the current "value" and maximum "limit" counter values.
initialize the LFSR from a String that contains the integer
version id of this gate, its propagation delay (in seconds),
and the initial (seed) value for the shift-register, e.g.
initialize the LFSR from a String that contains the integer
version id of this gate, its propagation delay (in seconds),
and the initial (seed) value for the shift-register, e.g.
initialize a RTLIB object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of this vector,
and optionally a String of the desired start value
initialize a DcoreALU object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of this vector,
the default output delay, the number of opcodes, and a list of
the individual opcodes (starting with opcde[0]):
initialize a DcoreALU2 object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of this vector,
the default output delay, the number of opcodes, and a list of
the individual opcodes (starting with opcde[0]):
initialize an GenericShifter from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of the input vector,
the shift count,
a String of the desired start value
initialize a UserDefinedALU object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of this vector,
the default output delay, the number of opcodes, and a list of
the individual opcodes (starting with opcde[0]):
initialize a RTLIB object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of the input vector,
the upper and lower subset indices,
a String of the desired start value
initialize a RTLIB object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of the input vector,
the upper, middle, and lower subset indices,
a String of the desired start value
initialize an OpinVector from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of this vector,
the delay (propagation delay to the next higher hierarchy level),
and the default label format (dec/hex/bin).
initialize a RTLIB object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of the input vector,
the index of the output bit, and the default delay.
initialize a RTLIB object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of the input vector,
the upper and lower subset indices,
a String of the desired start value
initialize a RTLIB object from a String
which contains the integer version id, the width of this vector,
the desired start value, and the default delay
initialize the AddressDecoder object from a String,
which contains the integer version id, the width of this vector,
the gate delay, and four pairs of base | limit addresses for the
four chip select outputs, e.g.
initialize a StimuliGenerator from a String that contains the
integer version id, the enabled status (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
and the Unicode-escaped stimuli file name
'1001 1 /hades/models/stimuli/default.sti'
insert the elements of y into x, starting at index 'start'
For example, for x=[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] and y=[4 3 2],
the call insert( x, y, 2 ) yields
x = [ 0 1 4 3 2 5 6 7 8 9 ]
check whether this bounding box is completely inside region
(this function is used for delete region and create compound
by region in the jfig graphics editor)
check whether two world coordinates differ by less than the current
snap distance (of the equivalent of five screen pixels at the current
zoom factor).
if rulers are enabled, should the Y ruler be drawn on the
right side (true) or on the left side (false) of this canvas?
Default return value is true (right side).
a simple utility class to access some java.lang classes
from Jython/Jpython when running under Microsoft jview
which fails to "from java.lang import Thread" etc.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
handleKeyDown(): move the textCursor, append or insert a
character right from the textCursor, delete the character
right from the text cursor (or the last character).
keyTyped(): this method is called by the editor to move the textCursor,
append or insert a character right from the textCursor,
and to delete characters.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
There are different ways to display Memory objects all these
must be conform with this MemoryView interface in order to
allow it MemoryViewHandler to display more than one view per
Memory and to keep them all consistent
this implementation creates an unused GenericMemory
private static class MemoryWrapper extends GenericMemory {
private PicMemory memoryObject;
MemoryWrapper(PicMemory memoryObject){
public int getBitsPerWord() {
return memoryObject.getWordWidth();
public int getSize() {
return memoryObject.getMemorySize();
construct a slice of an pie chart with the following parameters:
radius - the pie radius in jfig units (2400dpi)
ratio - the size of this slice, as a fraction of the total 0 ..
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
return the minimum distance of reference point wp and this object,
using an accurate (and possibly computationally expensive) norm,
like the length of the norm vector to a polygon segment.
mirrorY(): we override the method of our base class FigText, because
we don't want to put the text upside down, but just to set a new
text base point (text origin).
Handle mouseMove events:
update sliders/cross hatch, provide rubberbanding
Note that we don't need to synchronize in the Swing world:
everything is executed in the event dispatcher thread
Also note that we have to correct the clip rectangle for the cursor
extension (currently three pixels...)
On the first mouse click at a position, we simply position the
cursor to the corresponding output and cycle, but don't modify
the data value at (output,cycle)
On the second and subsequent clicks at the same position,
we toggle through the values X-0-1
On the second and subsequent clicks with the SHIFT-key held down,
we toggle through the full StdLogic1164 values, U-X-0-1-Z-L-H-W-D
When dragging the mouse, the data value at the drag start position
is copied onto all intermediate cycle covered by the mouse drag.
mousePressed: increment (click) or decrement (shift+click) the output
value of this IpinVector, using the sequence 0xFFF -> 0xZZZ -> oxXXX
0xUUU -> 0x000 -> 0x001 ...
Opin - a simple subclass of GenericGate that models an output pin
for connection through the design hierarchy that additionally
displays its value like a (red/green/yellow) LED.
Opin() -
Constructor for class
OpinWithLabel - a simple subclass of Opin which displays both
the colored circle (as Opin) but also a label indicating the
current input StdLogic1164 value.
PicIndfReg - Register for indirect addressing, if indf itself is
addressed indirect then a shadow-register will be used to prevent
recursive dead - actually this shadow-register is not a real
register, it is implemented as a PicNoReg with no functionality
Port - a class that describes a formal interface pin of a
simulation object, with fields for 'name', position (x,y),
type (IN,OUT,INOUT,...) and the specific Signal class type,
parse all font description strings and extract both the
Font names (like "Times" or "ItcBookman Light") and the
Font styles (like Font.PLAIN or Font.BOLDITALIC).
try to parse an integer from a string in one of the following reps:
[0-9]+ normal decimal number
0b[01]+ binary number
0d[0-9]+ decimal number
0x[0-F]+ hex number
b'[01]+' binary number
d'[0-9]+' decimal number
x'[0-f]+' hex number
'[ascii-char]' ascii char
.[0-9]+ decimal number
[0-f]+h hex number
try to parse an integer from a string in one of the following reps:
[0-9]+ normal decimal number
0b[01]+ binary number
0d[0-9]+ decimal number
0x[0-F]+ hex number
b'[01]+' binary number
d'[0-9]+' decimal number
x'[0-f]+' hex number
'[ascii-char]' ascii char
.[0-9]+ decimal number
[0-f]+h hex number
parse_fig_file_not_threaded(): substitute for the function
for parse_fig_file_threaded(),
because thread scheduling is broken under Solaris JDK 1.1beta...
this array contains the measured length in centimeters of the string
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
when printed at 12pt size at 100% magnification
for each of the FIG format fonts.
printStatus(): print a short message about current simulation
and real times, as well as the number of scheduled and processed
events, memory status, etc.
this method is called from the connect() and disconnect() methods
to inform all senders/receivers of this Signal of any interactive
changes made to the Signal connectivity status.
this method is called from the connect() and disconnect() methods
to inform all senders/receivers of this Signal of any interactive
changes made to the Signal connectivity status.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
RAMoe - a generic RAM with n words by m bits with asynchronous (level
sensitive) write enable and separate active-low chip select and
output enable inputs.
RAMoe() -
Constructor for class hades.models.rtlib.memory.RAMoe
rebuild the scrollbar thumbs, assuming that the visible region and
object bounding boxes are set correctly (by a previous call to
rebuild the scrollbar thumbs, assuming that the visible region and
object bounding boxes are set correctly (by a previous call to
SelectAllCommand - select all visible objects on the Hades editor canvas:
this includes SimObject's symbols, Signal's wire segments and solder dots,
and other FigObjects.
construct a new StdLogicVector with n_bits (< MAX_BITS) and initialize
it from the String 'bitString', which is expected to contain a
suitable binary StdLogic1164 compatible representation,
generate simulation events with the current values of the PC, W,
STATUS, INTCON, and INSTRUCTION (opcode/mnemonic) registers on
the corresponding debug output signals.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
we expect a string containing three double numbers, separated by commas,
specifying arrow width (in mm), length (in mm), and thickness (FIG),
e.g 3.0,5.0,1
check whether the "jfig.gui.CurrentFigFileDirectory" property from
SetupManager and set the JFileChooser directory to the current value
if the property is set.
check whether the "jfig.gui.CurrentFigFileDirectory" property from
SetupManager and set the FileDialog directory to the current value
if the property is set.
called by the editor to distinguis between clockwise and anti-
clockwise rotations (there are two command buttons, but we use
only one RotateObjectCommand class to handle both commands).
set the fill style to one of the predefined FIG values,
where -1 implies NO_FILL,
a value between 0..40 selects the corresponding shade/tint,
and values >= 41 select one of the FIG fill patterns.
set the fill style to one of the predefined FIG values,
where -1 implies NO_FILL,
a value between 0..40 selects the corresponding shade/tint,
and values >= 41 select one of the FIG fill patterns.
set the fill style to one of the predefined FIG values,
where -1 implies NO_FILL,
a value between 0..40 selects the corresponding shade/tint,
and values >= 41 select one of the FIG fill patterns.
this method is only called once for a insert vertex command:
we just need one coordinate to find the nearest wire segment
and to specify where to insert the vertex (which may be moved
later on).
set some transformation parameters for this Axes:
the array lbwh is expected to hold the values for the
left, bottom, with, height parameters,
each of which should be in the interval [0..1].
override setUserObject to also set our "name" for display in the tree:
we want to strip off any remaining directory pathname, and also to
strip off the ".clb" extension, if any.
set a new value for the current StdLogic1164 from the character values
'u' 'U' 'x' 'X' '0' '1' 'z' 'Z' 'w' 'W' 'l' 'L' 'h' 'H' 'd' 'D' '-'
For other input values, the method does nothing.
we need to override setWidth from GenericRtlibObject, because we need to
rebuild our symbol completely, once the width (n_bits) of the input
vector changed.
we need to override setWidth from GenericRtlibObject, because we need to
rebuild our symbol completely, once the width (n_bits) of the input
vector changed.
we need to override setWidth from GenericRtlibObject, because we need to
rebuild our symbol completely, once the width (n_bits) of the input
vector changed.
we need to override setWidth from GenericRtlibObject, because we need to
rebuild our symbol completely, once the width (n_outputs) of the input
vector changed.
set the canvas zoom factor to the specified value; additionally
we modify the anchor to maintain the drawing's translation
(the fixpoint being the current screen's center point).
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
From xfig 3.2.3 u_draw.c:
This function computes the step used to draw the segment (p1, p2)
(xv1, yv1) : coordinates of the vector from middle to origin
(xv2, yv2) : coordinates of the vector from middle to extremity
hack to handle xfig/FIG symbol font: we use Times font, and
recode the string to use the Unicode chars corresponding to
the necessary greek and math chars...
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
TriBuf - a simple tristate buffer ("Tor")
Signals A and Y are expected to be SignalStdLogicVector objects,
the control input S is of type SignalStdLogic1164.
TriBuf() -
Constructor for class hades.models.rtlib.muxes.TriBuf
the contents of register 0 < F <= 127 are complemented,
and the result is stored into W (D=0) or back into F (D=1)
updates Z flag
one clock period
the contents of register 0 < F <= 127 are decremented,
and the result is stored into W (D=0) or back into F (D=1)
updates Z flag
one clock period
the contents of register 0 < F <= 127 are incremented,
and the result is stored into W (D=0) or back into F (D=1)
updates Z flag
one clock period
the upper and lower nibbles of register f are exchanged,
and the result is stored into W (D=0) or F (D=1)
no flags are affected
1 clock period
icons for tree root: default, system (classpath), local (filesystem),
zip (jar), server, search result, collapsed and expanded directories,
basic content types.
transmitOneCharacter generates all simulation events to propagate
the bit pattern corresponding to char 'c' on the data outputs and
a strobe pulse on the strobe output port_STR.
transmitOneCharacter generates all simulation events to propagate
the RS232 bit pattern corresponding to char 'c' on the signal
connected to port_TX (if any).
traverse the file structure, starting from 'path',
and build a tree with all directories and files of the following types:
.hds design files,
.clb simobject component info files,
.rom memory contents,
.fsm finite state machines,
.py python scripts.
this method should be called whenever a new FIG file is loaded
into the editor, to guarantee that the output filename is
changed to match the new input file.
this method should be called whenever a new FIG file is loaded
into the editor, to guarantee that the output filename is
changed to match the new input file.
this method should be called whenever a new FIG file is loaded
into the editor, to guarantee that the output filename is
changed to match the new input file.
update the on/off/x statistics for segment i (A=0, B=1, ..P=7)
from the current value in portValues[i], portValues[cathode=8],
and the current simulation time.
internal class to actually delete all events from the specified
SimObject 'source' in a thread-safe manner (because executed from
the simulation Thread itself).
wakeup: this method is currently used to handle "external" events
on this DiodeSwitch via the assign call, which schedules a
Wakeup event to update our symbol at the correct simulation time.
wakeup: extract the Integer argument from the WakeupEvent,
and use the resulting integer value as the index value for
updating the graphical symbol of this HexSwitch (if visible).
wakeup: this method is currently used to handle "external" events
on this Ipin via the assign call, which schedules a
Wakeup event to update the Ipin symbol at the correct simulation time.
wakeup: this method is only used to handle "external" events on this
PowerOnReset in reaction to an assign() call, which schedules a
Wakeup event to update the symbol at the correct simulation time.
wakeup: this method is currently used to handle "external" events
on this Switch via the assign call, which schedules a
Wakeup event to update the Switch symbol at the correct simulation time.
print a warning message to the Hades console, consisting of the
actual message 's', the full name of this memory component and the
current simulation time.
write the integer version ID, the clock period (in seconds),
the clock 1-value dutycycle, the clock phase (offset, in seconds),
and the number of cycles to stop after.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the default delay,
and finally the number of opcodes and a list of the individual opcodes.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the default delay,
and finally the number of opcodes and a list of the individual opcodes.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the shift count,
the default output value (vector), and the default delay.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the default delay,
and finally the number of opcodes and a list of the individual opcodes.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the current value, the default delay
(propagation delay from the next lower hierarchy level, might be zero),
and the default label format (dec=0/hex=1/bin=2)
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the upper and lower subset indices,
the default output value (vector), and the default delay.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits),
the upper, middle, and lower subset indices,
the default output value (vector), and the default delay.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the default delay (propagation delay
to the next higher hierarchy level, might be zero),
and the default label format (dec=0/hex=1/bin=2)
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the upper and lower subset indices,
the default output value (vector), and the default delay.
write the following data to PrintWriter ps:
our versionId, the width (n_bits), the default output value (vector),
the default delay, and the default seed
Hopefully, many RTLIB classes won't need to override write().
write a MousePressed event to the logfile, consisting of the
marker "m:",
the screen coordinates of the event,
the corresponding world coordinates,
the modifier keys shift, alt, control, and meta,
the current FigTrafo2D anchor point and zoom factor.
write a header line (with leading "#" character) and the
the alphabetically sorted set of global/user/local properties
from the current textArea to the given PrintStream.
write a header line (with leading "#" character) and the
the alphabetically sorted set of global/user/local properties
from the current textArea
to the given PrintStream.