Class Summary |
AntiDeadlock |
simple utility class to ease avoiding AWT deadlocks. |
AppletPrintTest |
Array |
utility functions for double[] arrays, Matlab-style:
element-wise array operations: add, sub, mult, div
element-wise math operations: sin, cos, tan, .. |
BoundingBoxCalculator |
calculate the bounding box of FIG objects. |
ChangeMenuFont |
simple demo to prove that several JDKs do NOT allow to change menu
fonts. |
ColorTestChart |
create and paint a color test chart with some markers for later
orientation matching after scanning and either the 216 web colors
or an 8*8*8 color palette and optionally some additional colors
(like shades of green or skin tones). |
ComposeCharacterListener |
CreateFontTest |
ExceptionTracer |
manage java exception traces. |
FileCopy |
FileTreeNode |
FilteredFigWriter |
write FIG files with special color options. |
FontDecodeTest |
FontTest |
Format |
GeometryManager |
GeometryManagerTest |
Gremlins |
class for (pseudo-) random stress testing of the jfig editor. |
Hugo |
ImageIOTest |
ItextFontMapper |
A class to map AWT fonts to Itext BaseFont. |
ItextPatternTest |
generate all of the patterns specified in the FIG 3.2 format
and try to write them to PDF format using the Itext library. |
ItextPDFWriter |
convert FIG to PDF using the iText PDF library. |
ItextPresentationPDFWriter |
use the PDFWriter and PDFGraphics2D classes from the Itext project
to export a given jfig presentation to PDF format. |
JRecentFileManager |
JRecentFileManager - manage a set of "recent files" including
the AWT menu stuff, AWT event and callback handling, and
storage to a file or URL. |
LP2 |
a class to parse and convert simple TeX/LaTeX-style strings into
formatted FIG compound objects. |
MakeFillPatternImages |
MakeIndividualButtonImages |
MakePieChart |
MakeZipFile |
MemoryUsageTest |
MouseMapper |
Pathname |
PPMReader |
read image data in portable pixmap format (PPM). |
PPMWriter |
construct and dump portable pixmap format (PPM raw) data from a Java image
PresentationBuilder |
PresentationParser |
parse and manage jfig presentations. |
PresentationPDFWriter |
use the PDFWriter and PDFGraphics2D classes from the Freehep project
to export a given jfig presentation (in JAR format) to PDF format. |
PrintingBroken |
A class to test printing of jfig objects via JDK 1.3 and Java2D methods. |
PrintTexturePaint |
Simple demonstration for crazy texture paint printing on JDK 1.3 |
RecentFileManager |
RecentFileManager - manage a set of "recent files" including
the AWT menu stuff, AWT event and callback handling, and
storage to a file or URL. |
RegistrationKeyManager |
manage and check registration keys for jfig. |
SetupManager |
find, load, and manager user preferences. |
ShellSort |
Shellsort algorithm, after Sedgewick, Algorithms in C++ (1989) |
SimpleLatexParser |
a class to parse and convert simple TeX/LaTeX-style strings into
formatted FIG compound objects. |
SwingDialogWindowTest |
SwingPaintTest |
Test2D |
TestArc2D |
TestKeyEvent |
TestLatexParser |
TeXtoPNGConverter |
TmpFile |
create and manage temporary files. |
Xspline |