Package jfig.objects

Interface Summary
FigObject base FIG object interface.

Class Summary
AWTArcRenderer AWT 1.1 renderer for arc objects.
AWTBezierSplineRenderer AWT 1.1 renderer for bezier-type interpolated spline objects.
AWTEllipseRenderer AWT 1.1 renderer for FIG circle and ellipse objects.
AWTImageRenderer AWT 1.1 renderer for FIG image objects, optionally with rounded corners.
AWTPolylineRenderer AWT 1.1 based renderer for n-points polyline objects.
AWTRectangleRenderer AWT 1.1 renderer for FIG rectangle objects, optionally with rounded corners.
AWTSplineRenderer AWT 1.1 renderer for quadratic approximated spline objects.
AWTTextRenderer AWT renderer for an Unicode/FIG text object.
AWTXSplineRenderer AWT 1.1 based renderer for n-points spline objects.
FigArc xfig-style arcs specified by three points.
FigArrow xfig-compatible arrow-heads for jfig lines.
FigArrowParams simple structure to collect arrow parameters
FigAttribs collects all attributes of jfig objects.
FigBaseobject a stub graphics object, suitable for subclassing.
FigBbox manage bounding boxes for jfig objects.
FigBezier Bezier-style interpolated spline objects.
FigBezierXSpline a simple subclass of the generic FigXSpline which forces the control point scalefactors to values [0,-1,-1,...-1,0] (open spline) or [-1,-1,...,-1] (closed spline).
FigCompound FIG compound (group) object.
FigEllipse FIG ellipse/circle object.
FigGeneralXSpline a simple subclass of the generic FigXSpline which allows arbitrary control point scalefactors.
FigGlobalAttributes collects the global attributes of jfig drawings: paper size: "A0" "A1" "A2" "A3" "A4" "B4" "Letter" "Legal" paper orientation: "Portrait" or "Landscape" This class is used to store and manage the global attributes of FIG format drawings.
FigImage embedded (GIF/JPEG/XBM) image object.
FigNormalXSpline a simple subclass of the generic FigXSpline which forces the control point scalefactors to values [0,1,1,...1,0] (open spline) or [1,1,...,1] (closed spline).
FigObjectFactory provides factory and utility functions to create FIG objects.
FigObjectList layer-sorted doubly-linked list.
FigParser FIG 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 format parser.
FigPolyline n-points polyline object.
FigPrintWriter Override the println() behaviour of PrintWriter to assure correct format of FIG files with Unix-style (LF only) text files, because xfig and fig2dev won't recognize MAC (CR) or Windows (CRLF) files.
FigRectangle FIG rectangle objects, optionally with rounded corners.
FigSpline approximated (quadratic) spline objects.
FigText FIG text object with Unicode and restricted math support.
FigTrigger simple active (hyperlink) objects for jfig.
FigWriter write FIG 3.1 and 3.2 files.
FigXSpline X-spline objects, which allow to specify the spline behaviour at each spline control point via a "scale factor" for that point.
FillWrapper draw filled polygons via AWT 1.1 or Java2D (if available).
LineWrapper draw attributed lines using AWT 1.0.
ListNode list node for FigObjectList.