Package jfig.gui

Interface Summary
ConsoleMessage print (multi-line) messages to a console.
StatusMessage set/push/pop status (one-line) messages.

Class Summary
AboutDialog dialog window to show 'about jfig' information.
AttribsButtonPanel user interface container for the editor attribute controls.
AttribsControls create and manage the editor attribute controls.
ChoiceWithHelpMessage bubble-help subclass of AWT Choice.
CloseCompoundDialog simple dialog window with two buttons "Close this compound" and "Close all compounds" to support jfig.commands.OpenCompoundCommand
ColorButton button to select FIG colors.
ColorCache singleton to manage colors and FIG color-indices.
ColorStateButton a button to select FIG draw/fill colors.
ConfirmDialog modal dialog window with message and 2 or 3 buttons.
Console message console in a standalone frame window.
CreateImageDialog modal dialog to specify image object parameters.
DepthTextField GUI component to specify layed (=depth) a la xfig
EditCompoundDialog dialog to edit a compound object's attribute layer.
EditEllipseDialog dialog to edit ellipse object coordinates and attributes.
EditGlobalAttributesDialog dialog to edit the global editor attributes like line style, fonts, etc.
EditImageDialog dialog to edit image object coordinates and attributes.
EditObjectBaseDialog common base dialog for all "edit object xxx" dialogs.
Editor the jfig editor, a wrapper around ModularEditor.
EditorApplet simple stub applet to load the jfig editor.
EditorMenuBar menu bar and menu items for the jfig editor.
EditorStatusPanel filename/zoom/status-message container for the jfig editor.
EditPolylineDialog dialog to edit polyline/spline object coordinates and attributes.
EditRectangleDialog dialog to edit rectangle object coordinates and attributes.
EditTextDialog dialog to edit text object coordinates and attributes.
EditTriggerDialog dialog to edit trigger/hyperlink object coordinates and attributes.
ExportOptionsDialog dialog window to specify fig2dev export options and handle export.
FigFilenameFilter FilenameFilter with *.fig extension.
FontCache singleton class to manage text fonts and font metrics.
FontStateButton a button to select FIG fonts (Postscript fonts only).
ImageButton button with images and bubble-help.
ImageCanvas simple subclass of Canvas to display an AWT image.
ImageHelper find and load images from files, URLs, Java resources.
InsetsPanel trivial subclass of java.awt.Panel with settable Insets.
InvertGrayFilter create an inverted and grayed-out version of an Image.
JAboutDialog Swing-based dialog window to show 'about jfig' information.
JAttribsButtonPanel Swing-based user interface container for the jfig editor attribute controls.
JAttribsControlsFactory create and manage the jfig editor attribute controls.
JCloseCompoundDialog simple dialog window with two buttons "Close this compound" and "Close all compounds" to support jfig.commands.OpenCompoundCommand
JColorButton a button to select FIG draw/fill colors.
JConfirmDialog A modal dialog window with a message and 2 or 3 user-specified buttons.
JConsole message console in a standalone (JFrame) window.
JCreateImageDialog modal Swing dialog to specify image object parameters.
JEditBaseobjectDialog dialog to edit a FigObject and its attributes.
JEditCompoundDialog JEditCompoundDialog: dialog window to edit a compound object's attribute layer.
JEditEllipseDialog dialog to edit a FigEllipse and its attributes.
JEditGlobalAttributesDialog dialog to edit the global jfig editor attributes.
JEditImageDialog dialog to edit a FigRectangle and its attributes.
JEditorMenuBar Swing menu bar and menu items for the jfig editor.
JEditorStatusPanel Swing based filename/zoom/status-message container for the jfig editor.
JEditPolylineDialog dialog to edit a FigPolyline (or spline) and its attributes.
JEditRectangleDialog dialog to edit a FigRectangle and its attributes.
JEditTextDialog dialog to edit a FigText and its attributes.
JEditTriggerDialog dialog to edit a FigRectangle and its attributes.
JEditXSplineDialog dialog to edit a FIG X-spline and its attributes.
JExportOptionsDialog dialog window to specify fig2dev export options and handle export.
JFigViewerBean A FIG file viewer implemented as a Java Bean component.
JFontButton a Swing-based button to select FIG fonts (Postscript fonts only).
JImageButton button with images and bubble-help.
JModeButtonPanel Swing-based container for all jfig mode-buttons.
JModularEditor the core editor for jfig.
JNumericStateButton a Swing button to display and select a numerical value.
JPdfExportOptionsDialog dialog window to specify the PDF export options and start the exporting.
JPropertiesViewer a Swing dialog to view (and edit) key/value pairs from a Properties object.
JSelectFromLibraryDialog Swing dialog to browse and select and object from a FIG symbol library
JStateButton multiple-state button with images and bubble-help.
JStateButtonMouseWheelHandler MouseWheelHandler handles mouse wheel events for this button.
JStatusCanvas canvas to display one-line status messages.
JStringDialog a simple modal dialog to request text-input from the user.
JTextViewer load and display ASCII texts in a Swing-based dialog window.
JTextViewerDialog load and display ASCII texts in a Swing-based dialog window.
JUpdateModeButton special button to set/toggle the jfig update mode.
JUserEditor example subclass of JModularEditor to demonstrate user extensions.
KeyHandler handle key shortcuts for the jfig editor.
LightGrayFilter create an (light) grayed-out version of an Image.
ModeButtonPanel container for all jfig mode-buttons.
ModularEditor the core editor for jfig.
ModularEditorState a simple class to collect some editor state for the open/reclose compound operations.
MouseEnterHandler display status-messages on Java 1.1 mouse enter/exit events.
MouseWheelZoomPanHandler MouseWheelZoomPanHandler allows to control zooming and panning on a FigSwingCanvas via the mouse wheel and modifier keys.
NumericStateButton a button to display and select a numerical value.
PresentationBrowser browse/navigate dialog window for the jfig presentation viewer.
PresentationControlPanel container with buttons for the PresentationViewer.
PresentationViewer the jfig presentation viewer.
PresentationViewerApplet stub applet to load the jfig presentation viewer.
PrintManager manage printing of FIG drawings via the AWT 1.1 print API, using the current viewport transformation (translation, scaling).
PropertiesViewer simple viewer for all key/value pairs from a Properties object.
RotationTextField GUI component to specify a rotation angle a la 'xfig'
SelectFromLibraryDialog dialog to browse and select and object from a FIG symbol library
SimpleFigApplet minimal FIG viewer applet: one static file, no GUI
SimpleTextViewer load and display ASCII texts in a dialog window.
StateButton multiple-state button with images and bubble-help.
StatusCanvas canvas to display one-line status messages.
StringDialog dialog to request text-input from the user.
TextFieldWithHelpMessage simple subclass of AWT TextField with bubble-help.
UpdateModeButton special button to set/toggle the jfig update mode.
UserEditor example subclass of ModularEditor to demonstrate user extensions.
ValueDialog Class ValueDialog.
Viewer the standalone jfig viewer.
ViewerApplet simple stub applet to load the jfig viewer.
ViewerButtonPanel container for the jfig viewer control buttons.
ViewerStatusPanel container for the jfig viewer filename/zoom/status-messages.