Interface Summary | |
FigBasicEditor | what a jfig graphics editor has to do. |
SelectLibraryObjectDialog |
Class Summary | |
AlignObjectsCommand | align a FIG object inside a compound object. |
BreakCompoundCommand | break a FIG compound into its parts. |
Command | the empty, do-nothing, jfig editing command. |
ConvertObjectCommand | convert object type but keep coordintates. |
CopyObjectCommand | copy jfig objects. |
CopyToClipboardCommand | copy jfig objects to the system clipboard. |
CreateArcCommand | create a FIG 3-point circular arc. |
CreateBezierCommand | create an open Bezier-style spline. |
CreateBulletCommand | create an open or filled "bullet point" for a presentation slide. |
CreateCircleCommand | create a circle object. |
CreateClosedBezierCommand | create a closed Bezier-style spline. |
CreateClosedSplineCommand | create a closed cubic spline. |
CreateCompoundCommand | merge objects into a compound object. |
CreateDimensioningCommand | create a dimensioning annotation from two specified endpoints |
CreateEllipseCommand | create an ellipse object. |
CreateFreehandCommand | create an open freehand line via mouse dragging. |
CreateImageCommand | create an embedded image object. |
CreatePolygonCommand | create a polygon (closed polyline) with n points. |
CreatePolylineCommand | create an open polyline with n points (or a freehand drawn line). |
CreateRectangleCommand | create a rectangle object. |
CreateRoundedRectangleCommand | create a rectangle object with rounded corners. |
CreateSplineCommand | create an open cubic spline. |
CreateTextCommand | create FIG text objects. |
CreateTriggerCommand | create a jfig trigger (hyperlink) object. |
CutPointCommand | remove a control point from a polyline/spline. |
CutToClipboardCommand | cut jfig objects to the system clipboard. |
DeleteObjectCommand | delete one or multiple jfig objects. |
EditCommentCommand | edit FIG object comments. |
EditObjectCommand | edit FIG object attributes. |
InsertPointCommand | insert a new control point into a polyline/spline. |
JCreateImageCommand | command to create an embedded image object. |
JEditObjectCommand | edit FIG object attributes. |
JoinSplitLinesCommand | join or split polyline objects |
JOpenCompoundCommand | open a compound object for editing. |
MirrorXCommand | mirror an object along the x-axis. |
MirrorYCommand | mirror an object along the y-axis. |
MoveObjectCommand | move jfig objects. |
MovePointCommand | move control points on FIG objects. |
OpenCompoundCommand | open a compound object for editing. |
PasteFromClipboardCommand | read objects from the system clipboard. |
ResizeTextCommand | resize or modify a text object's attributes. |
RotateObjectCommand | A command object to manage object rotation for jfig. |
ScaleObjectCommand | scale a FIG object. |
SelectLibraryObjectCommand | browse FIG libraries and add selected objects to the current drawing |
SnapToGridCommand | align jfig objects to the editor grid. |
UndoStack | keep track of jfig editing commands for undo and redo. |
UpdateCommand | update jfig object attributes. |
ZoomRegionCommand | zoom into a user-specified region. |