Class FigPolyline

  extended byjfig.objects.FigPolyline
All Implemented Interfaces:
FigDrawable, FigObject
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClockArm, ErrorMarker, FigArc, FigBezier, FigSpline, FigXSpline, Polyline, WireSegment

public class FigPolyline
extends java.lang.Object
implements FigObject

n-points polyline object.

FigPolyline provides the basic FIG polyline objects for jfig. It supports all xfig line-styles and attributes, including front and back arrows. The actual rendering is deferred to either AWT 1.1 or Java2D based subclasses.

This class also serves as a base class for the FIG spline objects.

Field Summary
protected  FigAttribs attribs
protected  FigBbox bbox
protected  java.lang.String comment
protected  boolean debug
protected  boolean is_closed
protected  int min_i
protected  int min_num_points
protected  ObjectPainter painter
protected  FigRenderer renderer
protected  boolean selected
protected  boolean showPoints
protected  boolean syncRedrawFlag
protected  FigTrafo2D trafo
protected  boolean visible
protected  java.awt.Point[] wcp
Constructor Summary
          default constructor: a polyline with default attributes at (0,0) Default drawing Color is black, no fill.
FigPolyline(int x0, int y0, boolean is_closed, FigAttribs _attribs, FigTrafo2D trafo)
          Constructor with attributes, transformation, and first polyline vertex
Method Summary
 void appendPoint(java.awt.Point p)
          append a point (given in world-coordinates) to this polyline.
 double calc_dist(java.awt.Point P)
          get the minimum euclidean distance of Point p to any line segment of this polyline.
 boolean canRotate(double angle_in_rad)
          returns true: it is always possible to rotate a polyline.
 FigObject copy()
          build a copy of this FigPolyline.
 void createRenderer()
 java.awt.Point deletePoint(java.awt.Point wp)
          delete a Point wp from this polyline.
 void deselect()
          mehtod stub for the deselect() mehtod
 int get_min_dist_index(java.awt.Point P)
          get the index of the minimum distance line segment from Point P to this polyline.
 FigBbox get_sc_bbox()
          calculate the current screen-coordinates bounding box
 FigAttribs getAttributes()
          get object attributes
 FigBbox getBbox()
          return the world-coordinates bounding box of this polyline.
 java.lang.String getComment()
          get the comment for this object (may be null).
 int getLayer()
          get layer (depth)
 java.awt.Point getMinDistPoint1()
 java.awt.Point getMinDistPoint2()
 double getMinPerpendicularDistance(java.awt.Point P)
          calculate the minimum distance of Point P to the nearest segment of this polyline.
 double getMinPerpendicularDistance(java.awt.Point P, java.awt.Point w1, java.awt.Point w2)
          calculate the minimum distance of Point P to the nearest segment of this polyline.
 java.awt.Point[] getMovePointNeighbors(java.awt.Point wp)
          getMovePointNeighbors(): Find the Point wcp[i] nearest to wp on this polyline.
 java.awt.Point getNearestPoint(java.awt.Point target)
          return the point of this object nearest to Point wp, if any.
 java.awt.Point[] getNeighborPoints(java.awt.Point wp)
          getNeighborPoints(): find the previous and next neighbor Points for Point wp on this polyline.
 ObjectPainter getObjectPainter()
 java.awt.Point[] getPoints()
          return Point array (world coords)
 java.awt.Point getPosition()
          return the base point of this polyline.
protected  double getSegmentDistance(java.awt.Point P, java.awt.Point Q, java.awt.Point wp)
          getSegmentDistance(): calculate the minimum distance of Point WP from the line segment from P to Q.
 boolean getSyncRedrawFlag()
          is a sync redraw pending on this object?
 java.lang.String getText()
          get the object's text, if any
 FigTrafo2D getTrafo()
          get transformation
 int indexOfNearestNeighbor(java.awt.Point wp)
 boolean initialize(java.lang.String s)
 void insertPoint(java.awt.Point wp, java.awt.Point wprev)
          insert a Point wp after Point wprev into the Point array.
 boolean isClosed()
          Is this polyline closed?
 boolean isSelected()
          get current selection status
 boolean isShowPoints()
 boolean isVisible()
 boolean isVisible(FigBbox viewport)
          is this object visible within the given FigBbox?
 void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent event)
          react to a key event (e.g.
 int manhattan(java.awt.Point p, java.awt.Point q)
 void message(java.lang.String s)
 double minDistance(java.awt.Point wp)
          return the minimum distance of the polyline to the reference point wp.
 double minDistanceEuclid(java.awt.Point wp)
          return the minimal euclidean distance from point wp to the nearest segment of this polyline.
 void mirrorX(int mirror_x, int mirror_y)
          simple implementation of mirrorX():
 void mirrorY(int mirror_x, int mirror_y)
          simple implementation of mirrorY():
 void move(int dx, int dy)
          method stub for the move() method
 void movePoint(java.awt.Point wp, java.awt.Point wpnew)
          move a point from position wp to wpnew.
protected  java.awt.Point nearerPoint(java.awt.Point P1, java.awt.Point P2, java.awt.Point W)
          nearerPoint(): Check whether wp is nearer to P1 than P2.
 int numPoints()
          get number of Points in this object
 void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
          paint this polyline using either AWT 1.1 or Java2D
 void paint(java.awt.Graphics g, FigTrafo2D trafo)
          paint this object using the specified transformation and Graphics g
 void paintSave(java.awt.Graphics g, FigTrafo2D trafo)
protected  void printCost(int i, double cost, double min_cost)
          printCost(): help debugging the segment cost functions.
 void rebuild()
          rebuild all internal data-structures for this polyline.
 void reset_debug()
          reset debug flag
 void rotate(java.awt.Point anchor, double angle_in_rad)
          method stub for rotate() - allow for Exceptions if the object doesn't support the specified angle.
 void scale(java.awt.Point origin, double factor_x, double factor_y)
          scale the polyline.
 void select()
          method stub for the select() method.
 void set_debug()
          set debug flag
 void setArrowMode(int _mode)
          set a new arrow mode for this polyline; possible values are FigAttribs.NO_ARROW, FORWARD_ARROW, BACKWARD_ARROW, DOUBLE_ARROW.
 void setAttributes(FigAttribs attributes)
 void setBackwardArrow(int type, double width, double length, double linewidth)
          set the type and width, length, linewidth for the backward arrow of this polyline.
 void setComment(java.lang.String s)
          set a comment for this object.
 void setFillColor(java.awt.Color c)
          set a new fill color
 void setFillStyle(int shade_or_pattern)
          set the fill style to one of the predefined FIG values, where -1 implies NO_FILL, a value between 0..40 selects the corresponding shade/tint, and values >= 41 select one of the FIG fill patterns.
 void setForwardArrow(int type, double width, double length, double linewidth)
          set the type (FigAttribs.SIMPLE_ARROW, TRIANGLE_ARROW, ...) and arrow heads width, length, and linewidth for the forward arrow of this polyline.
 void setIsClosed(boolean b)
 void setLayer(int _layer)
          set the layer (depth) for this polyline; the FIG format allows values in the range [1..1000] with 1 being the topmost layer.
 void setLineColor(java.awt.Color c)
          set a new line color
 void setLineStyle(int fig_line_style)
          set the line style to one of the predefined FIG styles, e.g.
 void setLineWidth(int fig_line_width)
          set the line width to one of the predefined FIG widths, e.g.
 void setObjectPainter(ObjectPainter painter)
 void setPoints(java.awt.Point[] wcp)
          set a new array of world-coordinate Points for this polyline.
 void setSyncRedrawFlag(boolean b)
          set or reset whether this objects needs a sync redraw
 void setText(java.lang.String s)
          set the object's text
 void setTrafo(FigTrafo2D trafo)
          set a new transformation.
 void setVisible(boolean b)
 void showPoints()
          method stub for the showPoints() method.
 boolean supportsPointOps()
          FigPolyline supports the Point insert/append/delete/...
 java.lang.String toString()
          toString() for debug purposes.
 void update_bbox()
          build the polyline bounding box from the world-coordinate points.
 void update(FigAttribs new_attribs)
          update the attributes for this polyline.
 void updateAttributes(java.lang.String s)
 void writeAsResource(java.io.PrintWriter writer)
          write a complete text representation of this object
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.awt.Point[] wcp


protected int min_i


protected int min_num_points


protected boolean is_closed


protected FigRenderer renderer


protected FigAttribs attribs


protected FigTrafo2D trafo


protected FigBbox bbox


protected ObjectPainter painter


protected java.lang.String comment


protected boolean debug


protected boolean syncRedrawFlag


protected boolean selected


protected boolean showPoints


protected boolean visible
Constructor Detail


public FigPolyline()
default constructor: a polyline with default attributes at (0,0) Default drawing Color is black, no fill.


public FigPolyline(int x0,
                   int y0,
                   boolean is_closed,
                   FigAttribs _attribs,
                   FigTrafo2D trafo)
Constructor with attributes, transformation, and first polyline vertex

Method Detail


public void createRenderer()


public void rebuild()
rebuild all internal data-structures for this polyline. This method re-calculates all internal data required for fast rendering from the world-coordinate control points, attributes, and FigTrafo2D coordinate transformation data. Therefore, this method is computationally expensive and should only be called when necessary.

Specified by:
rebuild in interface FigObject


public boolean isClosed()
Is this polyline closed?

Specified by:
isClosed in interface FigObject


public void setIsClosed(boolean b)


public void appendPoint(java.awt.Point p)
append a point (given in world-coordinates) to this polyline. The implementation currently copies the whole point array and then rebuild()s the polyline. This function also checks whether the point to append is identical to the last point of the polyline. If so, it does nothing.

Specified by:
appendPoint in interface FigObject


public void update_bbox()
build the polyline bounding box from the world-coordinate points.


public void setTrafo(FigTrafo2D trafo)
set a new transformation. If the transformation changed, we also rebuild() this polyline.

Specified by:
setTrafo in interface FigObject


public void setLayer(int _layer)
set the layer (depth) for this polyline; the FIG format allows values in the range [1..1000] with 1 being the topmost layer. Note that changing the layer attribute DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY re-sort the objectlist of the editor/viewer that this object belongs to. Therefore, you might want to do something like this: polyline.setLayer( newLayer ); editor.removeFromObjectList( polyline ); editor.insertIntoObjectList( polyline );


public void setArrowMode(int _mode)
set a new arrow mode for this polyline; possible values are FigAttribs.NO_ARROW, FORWARD_ARROW, BACKWARD_ARROW, DOUBLE_ARROW.


public void setForwardArrow(int type,
                            double width,
                            double length,
                            double linewidth)
set the type (FigAttribs.SIMPLE_ARROW, TRIANGLE_ARROW, ...) and arrow heads width, length, and linewidth for the forward arrow of this polyline. For example, setForwardArrow( FigAttribs.TRIANGLE_ARROW, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0 ) specifies an arrowhead of length 5.0 mm, width 2.0 mm, and FIG linewidth 1. We use the factor 96.0 (~2400/25.4) to convert from millimeters to FIG units at 2400dpi.


public void setBackwardArrow(int type,
                             double width,
                             double length,
                             double linewidth)
set the type and width, length, linewidth for the backward arrow of this polyline. For details, compare setForwardArrw().


public void setLineColor(java.awt.Color c)
set a new line color


public void setLineWidth(int fig_line_width)
set the line width to one of the predefined FIG widths, e.g. setLineWidth( FigAttribs.LINE_WIDTH_1 )


public void setLineStyle(int fig_line_style)
set the line style to one of the predefined FIG styles, e.g. setLineStyle( FigAttribs.DASHED_LINE )


public void setFillColor(java.awt.Color c)
set a new fill color


public void setFillStyle(int shade_or_pattern)
set the fill style to one of the predefined FIG values, where -1 implies NO_FILL, a value between 0..40 selects the corresponding shade/tint, and values >= 41 select one of the FIG fill patterns.


public double minDistance(java.awt.Point wp)
return the minimum distance of the polyline to the reference point wp. Currently, we use the Manhattan geometry to calculate the distance.

Specified by:
minDistance in interface FigObject


public double minDistanceEuclid(java.awt.Point wp)
return the minimal euclidean distance from point wp to the nearest segment of this polyline. In order to help the editor's findObjectAt() function to prefer exactly matching object vertices (like a rectangle corner) over an accidental zero euclidean distance to a polyline/polygon whose vertices are far away, we always add a penalty distance to the exact perpendicular distance as calculated by getMinPerpendicularDistance. Currently, we use a (small) penalty of 5 units (at 2400 dpi).

FIXME: This might use some bounding-box checks before doing the full calculation...

Specified by:
minDistanceEuclid in interface FigObject


public java.lang.String toString()
toString() for debug purposes.

Specified by:
toString in interface FigObject


public void move(int dx,
                 int dy)
Description copied from interface: FigObject
method stub for the move() method

Specified by:
move in interface FigObject


public FigObject copy()
build a copy of this FigPolyline.

Specified by:
copy in interface FigObject


public boolean canRotate(double angle_in_rad)
returns true: it is always possible to rotate a polyline.

Specified by:
canRotate in interface FigObject


public void update(FigAttribs new_attribs)
update the attributes for this polyline.

Specified by:
update in interface FigObject
new_attribs - The current editor FigAttribs object.


public void mirrorX(int mirror_x,
                    int mirror_y)
simple implementation of mirrorX():

Specified by:
mirrorX in interface FigObject


public void mirrorY(int mirror_x,
                    int mirror_y)
simple implementation of mirrorY():

Specified by:
mirrorY in interface FigObject


public boolean supportsPointOps()
FigPolyline supports the Point insert/append/delete/... operations

Specified by:
supportsPointOps in interface FigObject


public java.awt.Point[] getPoints()
return Point array (world coords)

Specified by:
getPoints in interface FigObject


public void setPoints(java.awt.Point[] wcp)
set a new array of world-coordinate Points for this polyline. This function should be called by input parsers to construct a new polyline with many points: setPoints() is much faster than a loop with successive appendPoints().

Specified by:
setPoints in interface FigObject


public void insertPoint(java.awt.Point wp,
                        java.awt.Point wprev)
insert a Point wp after Point wprev into the Point array.

Specified by:
insertPoint in interface FigObject


public java.awt.Point deletePoint(java.awt.Point wp)
delete a Point wp from this polyline. This function returns the index of the predecessor of the deleted point, and null for the first point.

Specified by:
deletePoint in interface FigObject


public int indexOfNearestNeighbor(java.awt.Point wp)


public void movePoint(java.awt.Point wp,
                      java.awt.Point wpnew)
move a point from position wp to wpnew. This method fails, when no polygon point is found at position wp.

Specified by:
movePoint in interface FigObject


public java.awt.Point[] getMovePointNeighbors(java.awt.Point wp)
getMovePointNeighbors(): Find the Point wcp[i] nearest to wp on this polyline. Return an array with the previous (if any) and next (if any) Point on this polyline.

Specified by:
getMovePointNeighbors in interface FigObject


public java.awt.Point[] getNeighborPoints(java.awt.Point wp)
getNeighborPoints(): find the previous and next neighbor Points for Point wp on this polyline. Construct and return an array pp[3] --- where pp[0] is the previous Point, pp[1] the next Point, and pp[2] the index of the nearer of the previous and the next Point. This function is typically called to set the rubberbanding before moving a Point or insert()ing a new Point into the polyline.

Specified by:
getNeighborPoints in interface FigObject


protected double getSegmentDistance(java.awt.Point P,
                                    java.awt.Point Q,
                                    java.awt.Point wp)
getSegmentDistance(): calculate the minimum distance of Point WP from the line segment from P to Q. This is used as a cost function in getNeighborPoints().


protected java.awt.Point nearerPoint(java.awt.Point P1,
                                     java.awt.Point P2,
                                     java.awt.Point W)
nearerPoint(): Check whether wp is nearer to P1 than P2.


protected void printCost(int i,
                         double cost,
                         double min_cost)
printCost(): help debugging the segment cost functions.


public double calc_dist(java.awt.Point P)
get the minimum euclidean distance of Point p to any line segment of this polyline. Store the indices of the corresponding points of the polyline in global variable min_i.


public double getMinPerpendicularDistance(java.awt.Point P)
calculate the minimum distance of Point P to the nearest segment of this polyline.
      Wi ---------*----------- Wi+1

      s_x    = wi+1_x - wi_x
      s_y    = wi+1_y - wi_y

      line_w = (x,y  | x = wi_x + alpha*s_x, y = wi_y + alpha*s_y)
      line_p = (x,y  | x + p_x  - beta *s_y, y = p_y  + beta*sx )

      and therefore: 
      x = wi_x + alpha*s_x = p_x - beta*s_y
      y = wi_y + alpha*s_y = p_y + beta*s_x

      If 0 < alpha < 1 we use the perpendicular distance, 
      if alpha < 0, P lies off Wi and we use the euclidean distance to Wi,
      if alpha > 1, P lies off Wi+1 and we use the euclidean distance to Wi+1


public double getMinPerpendicularDistance(java.awt.Point P,
                                          java.awt.Point w1,
                                          java.awt.Point w2)
calculate the minimum distance of Point P to the nearest segment of this polyline.
      w1 ---------*----------- w2

      s_x    = w2_x - w1_x
      s_y    = w2_y - w1_y

      line_w = (x,y  | x = w1_x + alpha*s_x, y = w1_y + alpha*s_y)
      line_p = (x,y  | x + p_x  - beta *s_y, y = p_y  + beta*sx )

      and therefore: 
      x = w1_x + alpha*s_x = p_x - beta*s_y
      y = w1_y + alpha*s_y = p_y + beta*s_x

      If 0 < alpha < 1 we use the perpendicular distance, 
      if alpha < 0, P lies off Wi and we use the euclidean distance to Wi,
      if alpha > 1, P lies off Wi+1 and we use the euclidean distance to Wi+1


public int get_min_dist_index(java.awt.Point P)
get the index of the minimum distance line segment from Point P to this polyline.


public java.awt.Point getMinDistPoint1()


public java.awt.Point getMinDistPoint2()


public boolean isVisible(FigBbox viewport)
Description copied from interface: FigDrawable
is this object visible within the given FigBbox?

Specified by:
isVisible in interface FigObject


public boolean isVisible()
Specified by:
isVisible in interface FigObject


public void setVisible(boolean b)
Specified by:
setVisible in interface FigObject


public boolean initialize(java.lang.String s)
Specified by:
initialize in interface FigObject


public void setObjectPainter(ObjectPainter painter)
Specified by:
setObjectPainter in interface FigObject


public ObjectPainter getObjectPainter()


public FigTrafo2D getTrafo()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
get transformation

Specified by:
getTrafo in interface FigObject


public int getLayer()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
get layer (depth)

Specified by:
getLayer in interface FigObject


public FigBbox getBbox()
return the world-coordinates bounding box of this polyline. The implementation currently returns the bounding box of all vertices (=control points) of the polyline, which might be useable (if not optimal) for subclasses, too.

Specified by:
getBbox in interface FigObject


public FigBbox get_sc_bbox()
calculate the current screen-coordinates bounding box

Specified by:
get_sc_bbox in interface FigObject


public java.awt.Point getPosition()
return the base point of this polyline. Currently, we use the first vertex (wcp[0]) as the base point, or (0,0) is no control points have been set.

Specified by:
getPosition in interface FigObject


public FigAttribs getAttributes()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
get object attributes

Specified by:
getAttributes in interface FigObject


public void setAttributes(FigAttribs attributes)
Specified by:
setAttributes in interface FigObject


public void updateAttributes(java.lang.String s)
Specified by:
updateAttributes in interface FigObject


public void set_debug()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
set debug flag

Specified by:
set_debug in interface FigObject


public void reset_debug()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
reset debug flag

Specified by:
reset_debug in interface FigObject


public void scale(java.awt.Point origin,
                  double factor_x,
                  double factor_y)
scale the polyline. We modify all object points corresponding to the given scale factors in x and y directions, with the "origin" point remaining fixed.

We also modify the line width, line dash length, and arrow size corresponding to the factor_x value, unless the SetupManager property "jfig.scaleLineWidth" is "false".

Specified by:
scale in interface FigObject


public void rotate(java.awt.Point anchor,
                   double angle_in_rad)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: FigObject
method stub for rotate() - allow for Exceptions if the object doesn't support the specified angle.

Specified by:
rotate in interface FigObject


public void showPoints()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
method stub for the showPoints() method. The object will paint() its control points (e.g. the bbox for a rectangle, origin and radius for a circle, the control points for a spline). Similar to xfig, these points should be marked with small rectangles. showPoints() is deactivated again by calling deselect().

Specified by:
showPoints in interface FigObject


public void select()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
method stub for the select() method. Similar to xfig, a selected object will paint its control points with small filled rectangles. select() is deactivated again by calling deselect().

Specified by:
select in interface FigObject


public void deselect()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
mehtod stub for the deselect() mehtod

Specified by:
deselect in interface FigObject


public boolean isSelected()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
get current selection status

Specified by:
isSelected in interface FigObject


public boolean isShowPoints()


public int numPoints()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
get number of Points in this object

Specified by:
numPoints in interface FigObject


public java.lang.String getText()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
get the object's text, if any

Specified by:
getText in interface FigObject


public void setText(java.lang.String s)
Description copied from interface: FigObject
set the object's text

Specified by:
setText in interface FigObject


public java.awt.Point getNearestPoint(java.awt.Point target)
Description copied from interface: FigObject
return the point of this object nearest to Point wp, if any.

Specified by:
getNearestPoint in interface FigObject


public int manhattan(java.awt.Point p,
                     java.awt.Point q)


public void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent event)
Description copied from interface: FigObject
react to a key event (e.g. for a text object)

Specified by:
keyPressed in interface FigObject


public void writeAsResource(java.io.PrintWriter writer)
Description copied from interface: FigObject
write a complete text representation of this object

Specified by:
writeAsResource in interface FigObject


public java.lang.String getComment()
Description copied from interface: FigObject
get the comment for this object (may be null).

Specified by:
getComment in interface FigObject


public void setComment(java.lang.String s)
Description copied from interface: FigObject
set a comment for this object.

Specified by:
setComment in interface FigObject


public boolean getSyncRedrawFlag()
Description copied from interface: FigDrawable
is a sync redraw pending on this object?

Specified by:
getSyncRedrawFlag in interface FigDrawable


public void setSyncRedrawFlag(boolean b)
Description copied from interface: FigDrawable
set or reset whether this objects needs a sync redraw

Specified by:
setSyncRedrawFlag in interface FigDrawable


public void message(java.lang.String s)


public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
paint this polyline using either AWT 1.1 or Java2D

Specified by:
paint in interface FigObject


public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g,
                  FigTrafo2D trafo)
Description copied from interface: FigDrawable
paint this object using the specified transformation and Graphics g

Specified by:
paint in interface FigObject


public void paintSave(java.awt.Graphics g,
                      FigTrafo2D trafo)
Specified by:
paintSave in interface FigObject