Package hades.models.flipflops

Class Summary
Dff Dff: a rising-edge triggered D-flipflop.
Dffe Dffe: a rising-edge triggered D-flipflop with enable input.
DffMetastable DffMetastable: a rising-edge triggered metastable D-flipflop.
Dffr Dffr: a rising-edge triggered D-flipflop with asynchronous clear.
Dffre Dffre: a rising-edge triggered D flipflop with enable and asynchronous clear.
DffreRtlib DffreRtlib: a subclass of Dffre (rising-edge triggered D flipflop with enable and asynchronous clear) with RTLIB-style symbol.
DffrMetastable DffrMetastable: a rising-edge triggered metastable D-flipflop.
Dffrs Dffrs: a rising-edge triggered D flipflop with asynchronous set and clear.
DffRtlib DffRtlib: a subclass of Dff (rising-edge triggered D-type flipflop) with RTLIB-style symbol.
GenericFlipflop GenericFlipflop: abstract base class used for flipflops.
Jkff Jkff: a falling-edge triggered JK-flipflop with asynchronous clear.
JkffMetastable Jkff: a falling-edge triggered JK-flipflop with asynchronous clear.
Latch Latch: a level-sensitive D-latch.
LatchMetastable LatchMetastable: a level-sensitive metastable D-latch
Latchr Latchr: a level-sensitive D-latch with asynchronous clear.
Srff Srff: a simple SR-flipflop with standard symbol.
SrffRtlib SrffRtlib: a simple SR-flipflop with RTLIB-style symbol.