Package hades.models.mips.mipsmemory

Interface Summary
MipsMemory Low level interface for memory access, implemented by the different caches and the interface to HADES.

Class Summary
AccessMemory Handle memory and cache accesses with one class which dispatches the different requests to the different MipsMemories Tasks performed by this class: - static address translation - call of dynamic address translation - decision wether and which caches should be used - modify partial word accesses to word accesses - provide Memory interface to give access to the full virtual address space
AdrTrans Static address translation needed for usage of MipsMemory
Cache Implementation of the data cache, non associative, line size of 1 word, variable cache size.
DataCache Implementation of the data cache, non associative, line size of 1 word, variable cache size.
FastAccessMemory Do the same like AccessMemory - without the layers below for fast operation
HadesInterface Upper part of the HADES interface: State machine for memory access
IDTR3051 Lower part of the HADES interface: Port handling
InstrCache Implementation of the instr cache, non associative, line size of 1 word, variable cache size.
MemoryDispatcher This class seperates the physical address space into 64K segments each of 64K (bytes) size.
MemoryManagementUnit Address translation
NullMemory This MipsMemory ignores every write access and always returns 0 on read requests.
SmartIDTR3051 Lower part of the HADES interface: Port handling
TinyBPMemory Memory implementation as a simple array with no wait states.
TinyMemory Memory implementation as a simple array with no wait states.