Package hades.models.mips.instr

Class Summary
AddImmInstr Add immediate instruction
AddImmUInstr Add immediate unsigned instruction
AddInstr Add registers instruction
AddUInstr Add unsigned registers instruction
AluBaseInstr This is the base class to all ALU using instructions in register format
AluImmBaseInstr This is the base class to all ALU using instructions in register format
AluSpecialBaseInstr This is the base class to all ALU using instructions in register format
AndImmInstr And immediate instruction
AndInstr And registers instruction
BaseInstr This is the base class to all instructions implementing an interface usable for the Core.
BranchBaseInstr This is the base class to all ALU using instructions in register format
BranchEqualInstr Branch on equal instruction
BranchGreaterEqualAndLinkInstr Branch on greater than or equal zero and link instruction
BranchGreaterEqualInstr Branch on greater than or equal zero instruction
BranchGreaterInstr Branch on greater zero instruction
BranchLessAndLinkInstr Branch on less than zero and link instruction
BranchLessEqualInstr Branch on less than or equal zero instruction
BranchLessInstr Branch on less than zero instruction
BranchLinkBaseInstr This is the base class to all ALU using instructions in register format
BranchNotEqualInstr Branch on not equal instruction
BreakInstr Break
CoprocInstr Coprocessor operation, will be executed by the coprocessor
DivInstr Divide registers instruction
DivUInstr Divide unsigned registers instruction
IllegalInstr Illegal does nothing (except printing a warning) and will be decoded for all instructions that can't be identified
InstrHistory Tracks the last instructions
JumpAndLinkInstr jump and link instruction:
JumpInstr jump instruction
JumpRegAndLinkInstr jump register relative and link instruction:
JumpRegInstr jump register relative instruction
LoadBaseInstr This is the base class to all load operations
LoadByteInstr load byte instruction
LoadByteUInstr load byte instruction
LoadHalfInstr load word instruction
LoadHalfUInstr load unsigned halfword instruction
LoadUpperImmInstr Load upper immediate instruction
LoadWordInstr load word instruction
LoadWordLeftInstr load word left instruction
LoadWordRightInstr load word right instruction
LoadWordToCoInstr load word instruction
MoveFromHiInstr Move from high register to normal register
MoveFromLoInstr Move from normal register to low register
MoveToHiInstr Move from normal register to high register
MoveToLoInstr Move from normal register to low register
MultInstr Multiply registers instruction
MultUInstr Multiply unsigned registers instruction
NopInstr NOP does nothing (in real this is SLL 0,0,0)
NOrInstr Nor registers instruction
OrImmInstr Or immediate instruction
OrInstr Or registers instruction
SetOnLessImmInstr Set on less immediate instruction
SetOnLessImmUInstr Set on less than immediate unsigned instruction
SetOnLessInstr Set on less instruction
SetOnLessUInstr Add immediate instruction
ShiftBaseInstr This is the base class for all fixed shift operations
ShiftLeftLogicalInstr Shift left logical instruction
ShiftLeftLogicalVarInstr Shift left logical variable instruction
ShiftRightArithInstr Shift right arithmetic instruction
ShiftRightArithVarInstr Shift right arithmetic variable instruction
ShiftRightLogicalInstr Shift right logical instruction
ShiftRightLogicalVarInstr Shift right logical variable instruction
ShiftVarBaseInstr This is the base class for all variabel shift operations
StoreBaseInstr This is the base class to all load operations
StoreByteInstr store byte instruction
StoreHalfInstr store halfword instruction
StoreWordFromCoInstr All store instructions
StoreWordInstr store word instruction
StoreWordLeftInstr store word left instruction
StoreWordRightInstr store word right instructions
SubInstr Subtract registers instruction
SubUInstr Subtract unsigned registers instruction
SysCallInstr System call
XOrImmInstr XOr immediate instruction
XOrInstr XOr registers instruction