Package hades.gui

Interface Summary
EditorMenuInteraction specify the dependecies between the editor and its menu bar.
SelectURLDialog a modal dialog to select (type-in) a URL or to choose a File.
SimControlPanel interface to specify the operations on the simulator control panel GUI

Class Summary
AboutDialog dialog window to show 'about hades' information.
AddProbeToSignalCommand AddProbeToSignalCommand - create a Waveform probe for a Signal
AddSegmentToSignalCommand AddSegmentToSignalCommand - create and connect a Signal between SimObjects
AutoconnectCommand AutoconnectCommand - connect a SimObject to all wires (accidentally) positioned on its Ports.
AWTExportOptionsDialog Class AWTExportOptionsDialog.
AWTObjectCanvas AWTObjectCanvas - the main display/edit canvas for the HADS schematic editor, constructed from an JavaFIG drawing canvas with additional popup-menu and redraw functions.
AWTPropertySheet AWTPropertySheet - a simple SimObject/Bean inspection class for HADES.
AWTSelectURLDialog a modal dialog to select (type-in) a URL or to choose a File.
AWTSimControlPanel class AWTSimControlPanel - A simple user interface for the HADES simulation engine.
AWTStatusPanel GUI component to show the current filename and status messages.
AWTStringDialog AWTStringDialog provides a generic dialog popup window to get a text string from the user.
CanvasScroller CanvasScroller - an AWT component to manage a JavaFIG/HADES editor canvas with rulers at the top and left sides, and additional standard right and bottom scrollbars.
ChangeNameCommand ChangeNameCommand - copy an object in an HADES Design.
ChangeSignalNameCommand ChangeSignalNameCommand - change the name of a signal in a HADES Design.
ColibriCreateCommand ColibriCreateCommand - copy an object in an HADES Design.
Command Command - the common base class for all HADES editing command objects.
ConfirmDialog ConfirmDialog: A modal dialog with 2 or 3 Buttons and a message text.
Console A simple message console.
CopyCommand CopyCommand - copy an object in a HADES Design.
CreateByNameCommand CreateByNameCommand - create a HADES component from it's class name.
CreateCommand CreateCommand - copy an object in an HADES Design.
CreateSignalCommand CreateSignalCommand - create and connect a Signal between SimObjects.
CreateSubdesignCommand CreateSubdesignCommand - put a subdesign into a design.
DeleteAllCommand DeleteAllCommand - delete all objects from an HADES Design.
DeleteCommand DeleteCommand - delete an object (SimObject or WireSegment) from a Design.
DeleteComponentCommand DeleteComponentCommand - delete an object from an HADES Design.
DeleteProbeFromSignalCommand DeleteProbeFromSignalCommand - delete a Waveform probe from a Signal
DeleteSegmentFromSignalCommand DeleteSegmentFromSignalCommand - delete a segment from a Signal
DeleteSelectionCommand DeleteSelectionCommand - delete all selected SimObjects and WireSegments etc.
DeleteSignalCommand DeleteSignalCommand - delete a Signal from an HADES Design.
DeselectAllCommand DeselectAllCommand - deselect all visible objects in the Hades editor, including SimObject's symbols, Signal wire segments and solder dots, and standard FIG objects.
DidYouKnowFrame frame to display Windows-style "did you know" tips.
DisconnectCommand DisconnectCommand - disconnect a SimObject from all wires (accidentally) positioned on its Ports.
DisconnectPortCommand DisconnectPortCommand - disconnect a SimObject from all wires (accidentally) positioned on its Ports.
EditCommand EditCommand - invoke the attribute/configuration editor for an HADES object
EditFrame EditFrame provides the main window and menu bar for the Hades schematics editor.
Editor Editor - the main schematic editor of the HADES simulation environment
EditorInApplet EditorInApplet - simple stub Applet to load the HADES editor.
HexTextField HexTextField - an interactive TextField to display and edit hexadecimal numbers, like register-contents.
ImageButton ImageButton (image button) is a button which supports two images
InsertVertexIntoSignalCommand InsertVertexIntoSignalCommand - insert a new vertex (middle point) into a HADES Signal
JAboutDialog dialog window to show 'about hades' information.
JCanvasScroller provide and manage standard scrollbars for a jfig/Hades FigCanvas.
JConsole A Swing-based message console.
JEditFrame JEditFrame provides the main window with menu for the schematic editor of the Hades simulation environment.
JImageButton JImageButton (image button) is a button which supports two images
JMultiLineToolTip A custom tool tip that displays multiple lines of text with specified margins and alignment.
JObjectCanvas JObjectCanvas provides a canvas to display and edit HADES schematics.
JPropertiesViewer simple viewer for all key/value pairs from a Properties object.
JPropertySheet JPropertySheet - SimObject/Bean inspection class for HADES.
JSelectURLDialog a modal dialog to select (type-in) a URL or to choose a File.
JSimControlPanel JSimControlPanel provides the user interface to control (select, start, stop, etc.) the HADES simulation kernel(s).
JStatusPanel GUI component to show the current filename and status messages.
JStringDialog JStringDialog provides a dialog window to get a text string from the user.
JTrafficLight JTrafficLight - visualize the state of the simulation engine (running, paused, stopped, ...
KeyHandler KeyHandler - concentrates all 'one letter' abbreviations for HADES editor commands.
LayerTable A class to control the visibility of Symbols and FigObjects in a HADES design.
LogManager manage to write Hades command to a log file in order to later playback and analyze the user interaction with the editor.
MemoryEditorFrame Main GUI component for Hades memory simulation models.
MemoryHexEditorField MemoryHexEditorField - an hex-style editor for direct editing of memory-contents.
MicroRomEditorCanvas MicroRomEditorCanvas - a hex-style editor for direct editing of microprogram contents.
MirrorXCommand MirrorXCommand - mirror the Symbol of a HADES component along the x-axis
MirrorYCommand MirrorYCommand - mirror the Symbol of a HADES component along the y-axis
MoveCommand MoveCommand - move an SimObject in a HADES Design.
MoveSelectionCommand MoveSelectionCommand - move the selected SimObjects in a HADES Design.
MoveToPositiveQuadrantCommand MoveToPositiveQuadrantCommand - move all objects in a HADES Design so that all objects fit into the positive quadrant (all coordinates positive).
MultiLineLabel A custom component that displays multiple lines of text with specified margins and alignment.
OpenDesignCommand OpenDesignCommand - load a new Design into the HADES editor
PropertiesViewer simple viewer for all key/value pairs from a Properties object.
PropertySheet PropertySheet - SimObject/Bean inspection factory.
SelectAllCommand SelectAllCommand - select all visible objects on the Hades editor canvas: this includes SimObject's symbols, Signal's wire segments and solder dots, and other FigObjects.
SelectFileOrURLDialog a modal dialog to select (type-in) a URL or to choose a File.
SelectObjectCommand SelectObjectCommand - select/deselect graphical objects (Symbol, WireSegment, basic FigObjects) on the Hades editor canvas.
SelectRegionCommand SelectRegionCommand - select an object (SimObject/Signal) in a HADES Design.
SetDesignNameCommand SetDesignNameCommand - specify the name for a Design.
SignalMovePointCommand SignalMovePointCommand - move a point of a Signal in an HADES Design.
SignalSetValueCommand SignalSetValueCommand - set a value for an HADES StdLogic1164 Signal
StimuliEditorCanvas StimuliEditorCanvas - display and edit simulation stimuli.
StringDialog StringDialog provides a generic dialog popup window to get a text string from the user.
TrafficLight TrafficLight - visualize the state of the simulation engine (running, paused, stopped, ...
UndoStack keep track of Hades editing commands for undo and redo.
ZoomRegionCommand ZoomRegionCommand - zoom into a specified region