The applets in this chapter demonstrate various example circuits
based on the PIC16C84 or PIC16F84 8-bit microcontrollers from
Arizona Microchip.
Hades provides a complete hardware-software cosimulation environment
including system-level components like serial (RS232) communication
and text-mode or graphical displays.
The simulator performance can reach 500.000 instructions per second,
which allows running the simulation at real-time or at near real-time
with full interactive control.
We selected the 16C84 microcontroller as the first
microprocessor in Hades for several reasons:
- small and regular instruction set
- low cost
- DIP18 package
- EEPROM/FLASH based, therefore easy (re-) programmable
- several low-cost DIY programmers available
- good software support (e.g. MPLAB, picclite)
By now, the 16C84 and 16F84 chips have been replaced by the faster
but pin-compatible 16F628 and 16F88 microcontrollers.
Please visit the separate
chapter for additional demos with the 16F628 microcontroller.