Hades documentation
This page links to the public documentation about the Hades framework.
As with many university projects, the documentation is updated
less frequently than the software itself, as-time-allows.
Please forgive minor divergences between software and documentation.
For a general introduction, please download and read the
Hades tutorial (PDF format).
It explains the installation and basic usage of the simulator
and editor, but also includes some reference material and
an introduction to writing your own simulation models.
For an up-to-date list of recent changes and known bugs,
just start the Hades editor and select the 'CHANGES' menu item
from the 'Help' menu.
Naturally, the 200+
interactive applet demos
on this website also constitute a lot of documentation
about the Hades framework and digital logic.
Just browse through the applet collection and play with the
circuits as you like.
User documentation:
- HADES tutorial.
The tutorial covers concepts, installation, basic commands,
and includes an introduction to writing your own simulation models.
(PDF format, 1.4 MBytes).
- HADES Kurzreferenz.
A two page summary of the simulator and GUI.
(PDF format, in German).
- RS-Praktikum.
Teaching materials for the introduction to computer architecture
course (in German).
- B-Tutorium.
Teaching materials including exercises and solutions
for our tutorial on digital logic.
(gzip compressed Postscript, in German).
Additional developer documentation:
- Karola Krönert, Ullrich Dallmann:
JavaFSM - Animation und Simulation von Mealy- und Moore-Schaltwerken.
(ps.gz) (Mai 1997).
- Ullrich Dallmann, Karola Krönert:
Architektur zur Komponentenverwaltung für JavaBeans.
Diplomarbeit (ps.gz) /
COLIBRI Tutorial (ps.gz)
(Juli 1998).
- Claas Rink:
Ein Simulationsmodell für den PIC16C84 Microcontroller.
(ps.gz) (Januar 1999).
- Matthias Meyer:
Skriptanbindung für das HADES-Simulations-Framework.
(ps.gz) (Juni 2000).
- Claas Rink:
Simulation eines MIPS-R3000-kompatiblen Mikroprozessors als HADES-Modell.
Diplomarbeit (ps.gz) (April 2000).
- Andreas Ruge:
Rekonstruktion und Visualisierung von Systemen mit Intel-4004 Prozessor.
Studienarbeit (6M pdf)
(September 2003).
- Norman Hendrich:
From CMOS-Gates to Computer Architecture:
Lessons Learned from Five Years of Java-Applets.
Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education,
EWME 2002, Baiona, 23-24 May 2002, 101-104.
- Norman Hendrich:
Automatic Checking of Student's Designs using
Built-in Self-Test Techniques,
Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education,
EWME 2002, Baiona, 23-24 May 2002, 321-324.
- Norman Hendrich:
A Java-based Framework for Simulation and Teaching,
Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Microelectronics Education,
EWME 2000, Aix en Provence, France, 18-19 May 2000,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 285-288.
- Norman Hendrich:
HADES: The Hamburg Design System, ASA'98,
European Academic Software Award/Alt-C Conference, Oxford, 19-21 Sep. 1998
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