Several interesting ROS packages developed during the work
- ROS Package relialized a tachometer for the PR2 (real & simulation, fuerte). Parametrization is possible over the launch file.
The package read the data from file, collect the changes and write the data back to the file (overwriting) if the node receive a SIGINT or ctr-c.
Visualization via topic "\speed\tachometer" als a own created massage type inside the package. At this time the following data will be collected:
moving and running time of the robot (s), average and maximal velocity (m/s) during the motion as well as the covered distance (m).: pr2_speed.tar.gz - ROS Package for acquire and use of the PMD CamCube 3.0 images (include needed driver libraries, resolution of [204 x 204] voxels, developed for electric and fuerte).
Visualization via RVIZ as a point cloud (1 & 2) and with pseudo gray scale images for better scene understanding.: pmd_camcube.tar.gz