Jasper Güldenstein
address: | University of Hamburg Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Science Department Informatics, Group TAMS Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30 D-22527 Hamburg |
position: | PhD candidate | |
room: | F-331 | |
phone: | +49 (0) 40 42883-2440 | |
e-mail: | jasper.gueldenstein@uni-hamburg.de | |
github: | https://github.com/jgueldenstein | |
Google Scholar: | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9iXEYbwAAAAJ | |
Research Gate: | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jasper-Gueldenstein |
Research Interests
- Humanoid Robot Navigation
- Reinforcement Learning
- RoboCup
Bachelor/Master Theses
I am generally interested in supervising theses when they are related to my research interests. Feel free to contact me when you are interested. Here is a (non exhaustive) list of topic suggestions. If you have your own ideas, feel free to propose them as well.
- Extrinsic Calibration on a Humanoid Robot
- RoboCup Game Recording and Automatic Annotation
Current Theses
- Lieven Petersen, Adapting Bipedal Walking Engines for Spring-Loaded Toe-Joints, Bachelor Thesis, October 2024.
- Louis Gerken, Implementation and Evaluation of ROS 2 Node Composition on a Humanoid Robot Platform, Bachelor Thesis, November 2024.
- Timon Tran, RoboCup Game Recording and Automatic Annotation, Bachelor Thesis, November 2024.
Previous Theses
- Jan Gutsche, Quantifying Player performance in Simulated Humanoid Robot Soccer Games, Bachelor Thesis, June 2023.
- Valerie Bartel, Improving Odometry of a Bipedal Robot through Machine Learning, May 2024
SoSe 2024
- 64-210 Lecture: Introduction to Robotics
- 64-211 Exercise: Introduction to Robotics
- 64-154 Praktikum: RoboCup - mit Robotern Fußball spielen
- 64-125 Proseminar Fußballspielende Roboter
WiSe 2023/24
- 64-156 Seminar: Intelligente Roboter
- 64-195 Projekt: RoboCup - Mit humanoiden Robotern Fussball spielen
SoSe 2023
- 64-210 Lecture: Introduction to Robotics
- 64-211 Exercise: Introduction to Robotics
- 64-154 Praktikum: RoboCup - mit Robotern Fußball spielen
- 64-125 Proseminar Fußballspielende Roboter
WiSe 2022/23
- 64-156 Seminar: Intelligente Roboter
- 64-195 Projekt: RoboCup - Mit humanoiden Robotern Fussball spielen
- Niklas Fiedler*, Jasper Güldenstein*, Theresa Naß, Michael Görner, Norman Hendrich, Jianwei Zhang A Multimodal Robotic Blackjack Dealer: Design, Implementation, and Reliability Analysis, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 18 (IAS-18 2023).
- Marc Bestmann, Jasper Güldenstein, Florian Vahl, and Jianwei Zhang Wolfgang-OP: A Robust Humanoid Robot Platform for Research and Competitions IEEE Humanoids 2021, Munich, Germany [PDF]
- Marc Bestmann, Timon Engelke, Niklas Fiedler, Jasper Güldenstein, Jan Gutsche, Jonas Hagge, and Florian Vahl TORSO-21 Dataset:Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021 RoboCup Symposium 2021 [PDF]
- Marc Bestmann, Jasper Güldenstein, Jianwei Zhang, "High-Frequency Multi Bus Servo and Sensor Communication Using the Dynamixel Protocol", RoboCup Symposium 2019, Sydney, Australia. [PDF]