Niklas Fiedler

address: | University of Hamburg Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Science Department Informatics, Group TAMS Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30 D-22527 Hamburg |
position: | PhD student | |
room: | F-331 | |
phone: | +49 (0) 40 42883-2440 | |
e-mail: | | |
github: | | |
research gate: | |
Research Interests
- RoboCup
- Pointcloud Processing
- Tactile Perception
- Non-Rigid Object Perception and Manipulation
- State Estimation
- Human-Robot Collaboration
- Deep Learning
I am generally interested in supervising theses especially when they are related to my research interests. For exemplary topics, have a look here. Feel free to contact me when you are interested.2024/25
- 64-424 Lecture Intelligent Robotics
- 64-041 Übungen zur Vorlesung Rechnerstrukturen und Betriebssysteme Gruppe 01 und 17
- 64-424 Lecture Intelligent Robotics
- 64-425 Seminar Intelligent Robotics
- 64-156 Robot Practical Course
- 64-424 Lecture Intelligent Robotics
- 64-425 Seminar Intelligent Robotics
- 64-156 Robot Practical Course
- Niklas Fiedler*, Jasper Güldenstein*, Theresa Naß, Michael Görner, Norman Hendrich, Jianwei Zhang A Multimodal Robotic Blackjack Dealer: Design, Implementation, and Reliability Analysis, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 18 (IAS-18 2023).
- Yannick Jonetzko, Oscar Ariza, Susanne Schmidt, Niklas Fiedler, Jianwei Zhang Encountered-Type Tabletop Haptic Display for Objects On-Demand in Virtual Environments, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2023) [PDF]
- Niklas Fiedler, Yannick Jonetzko, Jianwei Zhang A Multimodal Pipeline for Grasping Fabrics from Flat Surfaces with Tactile Slip and Fall Detection, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2023)
- Yannick Jonetzko, Judith Hartfill, Niklas Fiedler, Fangwei Zhong, Frank Steinicke, and Jianwei Zhang Evaluating Visual and Auditory Substitution of Tactile Feedback during Mixed Reality Teleoperation. 1st International Conference on Cognitive Computation and Systems (ICCCS 2022) [PDF]
- Niklas Fiedler*, Florian Vahl*, Jan-Niklas Feldhusen, and Jianwei Zhang Applying Monocular Depth Estimation in RoboCup Soccer. IEEE ROBIO, December 2022 [PDF]
- Niklas Fiedler*, Philipp Ruppel*, Yannick Jonetzko, Norman Hendrich, and Jianwei Zhang Low-cost Fabrication of Flexible Tactile Sensor Arrays. HardwareX, October 2022 [PDF]
- Niklas Fiedler, Philipp Ruppel, Yannick Jonetzko, Norman Hendrich, and Jianwei Zhang A Low-Cost Modular System of Customizable, Versatile, and Flexible Tactile Sensor Arrays. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2021, Prague, Czech Republic [PDF]
- Marc Bestmann, Timon Engelke, Niklas Fiedler, Jasper Güldenstein, Jan Gutsche, Jonas Hagge, and Florian Vahl TORSO-21 Dataset:Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021 RoboCup Symposium 2021 [PDF]
- Yannick Jonetzko, Niklas Fiedler, Manfred Eppe, Jianwei Zhang, Multimodal Object Analysis with Auditory and Tactile Sensing using Recurrent Neural Networks. International Conference on Cognitive Systems and Information Processing (ICCSIP) 2020, Hengqin, Zhuhai, China. [PDF]
- Niklas Fiedler, Hendrik Brandt, Jan Gutsche, Florian Vahl, Jonas Hagge, Marc Bestmann, "An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for RoboCup Humanoid Soccer", RoboCup Symposium 2019, Sydney, Australia. [PDF]
- Niklas Fiedler, Marc Bestmann, Jianwei Zhang, Position Estimation on Image-Based Heat Map Input using Particle Filters in Cartesian Space, IEEE ICPS/MFI 2019, pp. 261-268, Taipei, Taiwan. [PDF]
- Niklas Fiedler, Marc Bestmann and Norman Hendrich, ImageTagger: An Open Source Online Platform for Collaborative Image Labeling, RoboCup Symposium 2018, Montreal, Canada. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-27544-0_13