In the following paragraphs, you'll find hints for and requirements of the presentations to be held in the seminar.
- Presentation is to be held by a single student. Group presentations require permission and a valid reason.
- Presentation language is english.
- 35 minutes of time per student: 25 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion.
- Slides must be submitted at least 72 hours before the presentation is to be held as PDF. If your final slides contain changes, you must re-submit your final slides. You will get feedback on your presentation draft on Friday if you hand in your draft until 13:00.
- A notebook for presentation can be provided (win7, linux), you can also bring your own. Please make sure you have a VGA connector. If you require our notebook, please inform us when submitting your slides.
- Cancelling the presentation less than 48 hours in advance without medical certificate means you'll fail the seminar.
- You can use this LaTex template for the presentation. See the instructions below or ask the lecturers for assistances. The easiest usage is to import the archive to Overleaf
- You should prepare roughly one slide per minute of presentation.
- The presentation shall be PRACTICED MULTIPLE TIMES before presenting. Your audience will know whether you did or not.
- You're welcome to discuss your presentation with us before presenting.
The presentation must include the following things:
- A title page with the title, your name and the date of presentation
- All slides should be numbered for easier reference in the following discussion
- A table of contents, indicating the structure of your talk
- An introduction to the topic, necessary definitions and maybe a short introduction to its basics and history
- When presenting a paper: Title, author (including his employer) as well as time and place of publication
- A clear definition of the problem to be solved
- Presentation of the approach(es)
- Presentation of the results
- Discussion of advantages and disadvantages of the selected approach and its results
- A short comparison with other approaches
- All images/graphics which are not your IP must be referenced
- You must submit your final set of slides (which you used for presentation) afterwards for upload
You can use the uhhBeamer template for TEX-presentations. Just extract the archive to your ~/texfm directory an run
texconfig rehash
to make the template globally available. Then copy docBeamer-de.tex
to your working directory and edit it accordingly to your presentation.
The presentation will be graded according to:
- Amount of contained information and precision of your explanations
- Comprehensibility of your presentation and its slides
- Liveliness of your presentation
- Quality of your answers during discussion
- Adherence to requirements listed above and to the time limit