Fachbereich Informatik

64-476 Oberseminar Technische Aspekte Multimodaler Systeme

Type Hybrid: In-person (preferred) + Zoom meeting
Schedule Tuesdays, 16:00 - 17:30
URL Meeting-ID: 977 4708 0367 Password: TAMS-Robot
Location Informatikum F-334
Organizer Jianwei Zhang


02.04. Preliminary Discussion and Planning

09.04. Real Usage of Motion Reconstruction in Animation
Presenter Lin Cong

16.04. FFHClutteredGrasping: Multi-Fingered Robotic Grasping in Cluttered Environment
Presenter Lei Zhang

23.04. ClearDepth: Enhanced Stereo Perception of Transparent Objects for Robotic Vision
Presenter Kaixin Bai

30.04. Autonomous Minigolf Mastery
Presenter Hantao Zhou

07.05. Deep Learning Based Measurement Model for Monte Carlo Localization in the RoboCup Humanoid League
Presenter Jasper Güldenstein

14.05. Beyond Transformer with Hyena or Mamba (Video Presentation)
Presenter Shang-Ching Liu
and Learning the Odometry on a Humanoid Robot
Presenter Valerie Bartel

21.05. Pentecoast holiday

28.05. Calibrating a low-cost, 5Axis 3D Printer (Video print) (Video calibration)
Presenter Tom Schmolzi
and Tactile based state estimation
Presenter Yannick Jonetzko

04.06. Human-Robot Collaboration in Dynamic Environment
Presenter Jianzhi Lyu
and Layer Recognition Using Photometric Stereo and Neural Networks
Presenter Daniel Ahlers

11.06. Modular Manipulation Planning for Robotic Execution with Self-Explored Components
Presenter Michael Görner
and Graph Convolution Neural Networks-based Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces
Presenter Kecheng Shi

18.06. Learning from Perception to Imagination: Towards General Multimodal Robot Manipulation
Presenter Wenkai Chen
and Perception and Manipulation of Clothes with the Dual Diana7 Setup
Presenter Niklas Fiedler
Slides Internal slides 93 Mi pdf (sorry)

25.06. Conformal Surface Printing on a 5-axis 3D Printing System
Presenter Paul Bartel
Slides Slides 11.6 Mi pdf
Video 2.6 Mi mp4
and Learning 6D object pose for robot manipulation
Presenter Yuyang Tu

02.07. Realtime software architecture for an IMU data-glove with haptic feedback, (rviz video)
Presenter Jan Metzing
and Development of a Soft Gripper with Tactile Sensing and Embodied Intelligence
Presenter Hui Zhang

09.07. Introduction of new generation of robot head and finetuning LLMs for emotion recognition
Presenter Shiqun Qiguan
and Exploring Robotic Tool Use through 3D Diffusion Policy
Presenter Wang Yunlong