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FBI | TAMS | Lehrveranstaltungen | vorheriges Oberseminar WS'05/06
Technische Aspekte Multimodaler Systeme SS 2006
Raum F-334
Zeit Dienstags 16:15 - 17:45
Veranstalter Jianwei Zhang
Termine und Vorträge
4.04. Vorbesprechung
Koordinierung der Vortragstermine für das laufende Semester
11.04. kein Vortrag

18.04. Juan Gonzalez


25.04. Daniel Westhoff
Distributed Applications for Robotic Systems using Roblet®-Technology

In this talk the application of a technology that establishes a framework for task-oriented programming of distributed robotic systems will be presented. The framework allows writing distributed control or monitoring programs and enables the programmer to send programs referred to as Roblets® to Roblet®-servers running on different computers within a local area network. At the University of Hamburg the framework is used to create a distributed system to control a service robot which can accomplish several tasks in an office environment. For this purpose, the system combines the control of the service robot, sensor information of the robot’s sensors and stationary sensors in the environment as well as the results of tracking algorithms, pathplanning algorithms and other algorithms. This results in a complex distributed system which is kept maintainable by consistent application of the Roblet®-Technology.

2.05. Markus Hüser
Learning of demonstrated Grasping Skills by stereoscopic tracking of human hand configuration

This talk will present a novel approach to learning by demonstration (LbD). A multimodal service robot is taught grasping skills by a human instructor who demonstrates a grasping action. The approach contributes novel solutions to the aspects of robustly tracking the demonstrator's hands in real time as well as to the transformation of tracking results into grasping skills. To track the demonstrator=92s hands in stereoscopic images a Mean-Shift-like algorithm is adapted. For the very first time this algorithm is applied to local binary patterns (LBP) and color histograms. To retrieve the hand configuration view-based Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used. To develop grasping skills from tracking results the robot repetitively tracks the demonstrator's grasping actions and transforms the results into three-dimensional self organizing maps (SOMs). The SOMs give a spatial description of the collected data and serve as data structures for a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm which optimizes trajectories for use by the robot. The approach is applied to a multimodal service robot. Experiments show the effectiveness of the LBP-enhanced Mean-Shift-like tracking and the robustness of LbD based on SOMs and RL.

9.05. Prof. Youfu Li


16.05. Dr. Wei Wang


23.05. Dr. Houxiang Zhang
A Novel Reconfigurable Robot for Urban Search and Rescue

This talk presents a novel mobile robot based on reconfiguration for urban search and rescue. The system consists of three uniform modules; actually each module is an entire robotic system that can perform distributed activities. In order to meet the requirements of highly adaptive locomotion capabilities, the applied mechanical structure of the robot is employed to drive the serial and parallel mechanisms to form an active joint for changing shapes in three dimensions. A docking mechanism endows any adjacent modules to connect or disconnect flexibly and automatically. The mechanical structure and the control system are introduced in detail. Then the locomotion capabilities follow. In the end, the successful on-site tests confirm the principles described above and the robot's ability.

30.05. David Melnychuk
A navigation algorithm for the TAMS service robot

This diploma thesis describes an approach to create a robust navigational algorithm for a wheeled service robot working in an office environment. The robot possesses a fixed inchoate map of the environment. In addition, sensory data from laser range finders and a stereo vision system is used to create a accurate representation of the robot environment. Thus movable obstacles and potential map inaccuracies can be accounted for. Disparity images are used to obtain depth information to find obstacles like tables which cannot be detected by the laser range finders. The planning algorithm used is based on a combination of the tangent graph method and exhaustive search of the configuration space. The tangent graph is used to quickly create a preliminary path, while the space search deals with narrow passages which require exact planning.

13.06. Stephan Pöhlsen; Hannes Bistry
Entwicklung und Implementierung einer plattformunabhängigen und ressourcenschonenden Anbindung von Sick Lasermesssystemen

Diese Arbeit stellt ein System zur Synchronisation und Steuerung von zwei Sick LMS-200 vor. Der Kern dieses Systems ist ein Rabbit 3000 Mikrocontroller, der über eine 500kBd RS-422 Schnittstelle mit den LMS-200 kommuniziert. Empfangene Messdatentelegramme werden plattformunabhängig in UDP-Paketen über die Ethernetschnittstelle ausgegeben. Zusätzlich werden Kollisitionswarnungen und Reflektorpositionen berechnet und übertragen.

Vortragsfolien: 9217k PDF

20.06. Weinig Zheng


27.06. Bernd Göde
Digitale Übertragung über stark spreizende Kanäle

Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit sogenannten Aurora-Funkkanälen. Die Naturerscheinung Aurora borealis (oder auch: Polarlicht) wird durch geladene Teilchen des Sonnenwindes verursacht. Die Teilchen erreichen das Erdmagnetfeld und werden dadurch beschleunigt (Lorentzkraft). Diese geladenen Teilchen können elektromagnetische Wellen brechen, also auch Funkwellen. Dies ist zur Reichweitenvergrößerung wünschenswert. Wir betrachten hier vornehmlich UKW (die Amateurfunkbänder 2m/70cm). Die (hochdynamischen) Kanaleigenschaften stellen bestimmte Anforderungen an ein zu entwerfendes Übertragungsverfahren. In der Arbeit werden die wesentlichen Kanaleigenschaften vorgestellt und die daraus hervorgehenden Anforderungen an das (digitale) Übertragungsverfahren. Ziel ist es, die wesentlichen Komponenten in Matlab zu realisieren. In Zusammmenarbeit mit Herrn von der Heide soll daraus ein lauffähiges Programm entstehen, das Funkamateuren in aller Welt zur Verfügung stehen soll.

4.07. Tim Baier
Wiederverwendbarkeit als Semantik von Griffen

Der Vortrag wird sich mit einem Kriterium für die Evaluation von Griffen im Kontext eines Service-Roboters befassen. Bisherige Qualitätsmerkmale die für die Evaluierung von Griffen benutzt wurden basieren fast ausschließlich auf Kräften. Hierdurch ist der Griff in Bezug auf mögliche Folge-Operationen nicht immer ideal. Das vorgestellte Kriterium zeigt eine Möglichkeit diese Lücke zu schließen.

11.07. Imran Zafar

In this talk Mr. Imran Zafar will introduce himself to the audience. Give a brief description about his background, studies, and his reasons of joining Universität Hamburg. He will then describe some selected projects from his previous academic and work experience to the audience and his present research interests. The audience will also be introduced to the projects that are presently in the pipeline.

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