02.04. |
Preliminary Discussion and Planning |
09.04. |
Real Usage of Motion Reconstruction in Animation |
Presenter |
Lin Cong |
16.04. |
FFHClutteredGrasping: Multi-Fingered Robotic Grasping in Cluttered Environment |
Presenter |
Lei Zhang |
23.04. |
ClearDepth: Enhanced Stereo Perception of Transparent Objects for Robotic Vision |
Presenter |
Kaixin Bai |
30.04. |
Autonomous Minigolf Mastery |
Presenter |
Hantao Zhou |
07.05. |
Deep Learning Based Measurement Model for Monte Carlo Localization in the RoboCup Humanoid League |
Presenter |
Jasper Güldenstein |
14.05. |
Beyond Transformer with Hyena or Mamba (Video Presentation) |
Presenter |
Shang-Ching Liu |
and |
Learning the Odometry on a Humanoid Robot |
Presenter |
Valerie Bartel |
21.05. |
Pentecoast holiday |
28.05. |
Calibrating a low-cost, 5Axis 3D Printer (Video print) (Video calibration) |
Presenter |
Tom Schmolzi |
and |
Tactile based state estimation |
Presenter |
Yannick Jonetzko |
04.06. |
Human-Robot Collaboration in Dynamic Environment |
Presenter |
Jianzhi Lyu |
and |
Layer Recognition Using Photometric Stereo and Neural Networks |
Presenter |
Daniel Ahlers |
11.06. |
Modular Manipulation Planning for Robotic Execution with Self-Explored Components |
Presenter |
Michael Görner |
and |
Graph Convolution Neural Networks-based
Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Presenter |
Kecheng Shi |
18.06. |
Learning from Perception to Imagination: Towards General Multimodal Robot Manipulation |
Presenter |
Wenkai Chen |
and |
Perception and Manipulation of Clothes with the Dual Diana7 Setup |
Presenter |
Niklas Fiedler |
Slides |
Internal slides 93 Mi pdf (sorry) |
25.06. |
Conformal Surface Printing on a 5-axis 3D Printing System |
Presenter |
Paul Bartel |
Slides |
Slides 11.6 Mi pdf |
Video 2.6 Mi mp4 |
and |
Learning 6D object pose for robot manipulation |
Presenter |
Yuyang Tu |
02.07. |
Realtime software architecture
for an IMU data-glove with haptic feedback,
(rviz video) |
Presenter |
Jan Metzing |
and |
Development of a Soft Gripper with Tactile Sensing and Embodied Intelligence |
Presenter |
Hui Zhang |
09.07. |
Introduction of new generation of robot head and finetuning LLMs for emotion recognition |
Presenter |
Shiqun Qiguan |
and |
Exploring Robotic Tool Use through 3D Diffusion Policy |
Presenter |
Wang Yunlong |