64-850-P1 Masterproject Intelligent Robotics (Part 2)
Room: | F-326 (PR2 lab) |
Date: | Thursday, 12:15 - 15:45 |
Organizer: | Michael Görner, Norman Hendrich |
- ROS basics (incl. simulation)
- Hardware design of high-res vision system for the PR2 robot
- Image processing (e.g. OpenCV)
- RGB-D data processing (e.g. PCL)
- Deep-Learning for Vision tasks (e.g. YOLO)
- Motion planning
- High-level Control (e.g. Behavior Trees, State machines)
- Understanding multiple programming languages (e.g. C++, Python)
- Data visualization (RViz, markers, PlotJuggler etc.)
- Debugging (incl. rosbag)
Librarian Scenario
The group implements an autonomous Librarian robot for handling books.
Master Project Report
Final project report (5 MB pdf, restricted to University access).
Final project demo slides (10 MB pdf).